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  1. SiriusVoyager's post in Help on saving a (ruined?) bounty launch model was marked as the answer   
    I don't think it's ruined and is probably a fairly easy fix. The frames do look like they could be out of order.  I think @Nirvana has a good point and that would be a good place to start.  It is hard to tell from the pictures if the frames are really square or not, but they don't appear to be too far off.  The easiest way to square them is to hold them in place with something that is perfectly square.  I use legos.  It also looks like there is a lot of char that has been stained over.  Make sure everything is beveled properly and that may help as well if the frames are in the correct places.  If all else fails you can shim up the edges of the frames. Just be very careful to make make it look nice since the frames are visible in an open boat.  As far as removing the frames, a small paint brush with isopropyl alcohol and a hobby knife can actually separate them more quickly than you would probably expect (assuming you used PVA glue).
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