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  1. Hello, looking for a set of PE for 1/350 Tamiya USS Missouri, new set. Read several comments about Pontos. Too much material and too costly. Seen a couple sets in the $50 range but seems they purposefully keep items you really want in separate packs. I would like barrels, antennae, rails and ladders and the wooden deck. Eduard hasn’t helped. Anyone got an idea for what I’d like. Thanks in advance, KHT
  2. Hello, enjoy your posts. Looking to buy Missouri but trouble deciding which PE kit from who.  Can you help.  The pintos a little too rich for me. Do some folks leave the PE unpainted?  Looks cool but not realistic to the ship. Anyway, I’d like the deck, gun barrels, fencing and antennae.  Have anything in mind?  Thanks 

  3. So, after all these comments, what is the choice for 1991 1/350 Tamiya PE? Pontus Maximus is too much, too pricey. I want gun barrels, ladders, guard rails, maybe the wood deck sticker, and the antennae and radar. Which one covers it?
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