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Everything posted by DaleMierzwik

  1. Good morning from Northern Colorado. My name is Dale, and I am new to model ship building, but have been a modeler and model railroader for decades. That said I feel I have a good grasp on modeling techniques although I realize I have a lot to learn with ship building as it isn't exactly the same as other modeling. My motivation comes from my model railroad which is waterfront, and I want some realistic boats to be floating around. I actually came across this site as I was searching for builds of Sierra West models Foss landing and Shipyard at Foss landing, which I am in the middle of building now. It just so happens that someone on this forum is doing that exact build, so here I am. The first project of ship building I will take on will by the Steam Towboat Tarus by Model Shipways. The box says it is great for first time builders. I have had the kit for about 15 yrs from a friend model railroader who passe away and I ended up with a stack of his stuff and this was in the boxes. I don't even know if it is still available or even how long my friend had it before I ended up with it. I will start a build log when I decide to start work on it, which is still probably a little bit out as I finish the Foss Landing kits. But for now, I am just going to creep this site and get as much info in my back pocket as possible. I feel model ship building fits right in my wheelhouse. I think it will be quite enjoyable. Time will tell
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