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Guillermo Rencoret Palma

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Everything posted by Guillermo Rencoret Palma

  1. Estimado Alejando Te felicito por lo que has publicado . Te entiendo, ya que mi San Juan Nepomuceno ha estado guardado lleno de polvo en una bodega por 9 años esperando que los niños crecieran al igual que el lugar para re iniciar la construccion. Ya que he reiniciado mi trabajo encontré tu post . Lamentablemente me arroja error la pagina del dropbox. Alguna otra forma de bajarla o comprarla? Saludos Guillermo Rencoret Translated this: Dear Alejandro, I am happy with what you have published. I understand you, since my San Juan Nepomuceno has been stored full of dust in a warehouse for 9 years waiting for the children to grow as well as the place to start the construction. Since I have restarted my work I found your post. Unfortunately the dropbox page throws me wrong. Any other way to download it or buy it? Greetings Guillermo Rencoret
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