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Posts posted by pfranco

  1. Hello Ed, thanks for your kind response, in fact, is how I understood but I was not sure, now I am clear. As for the red wine, if you give me the address I'll send you a good RED Piceno, Regarding some photos of my work on Najade, I just started working on the keel, when it is ready I will send you some photos with pleasure, greetings, Lino.

  2. Hello Ed, are Lino, are you okay? Saturday, January 18th at Ascoli go to a flea market and I salute your native country. I started to build Najade but I have a question on a piece of drawing Stem Apron Patterns Starboard, that snaps over the keel. There he speaks of three measures: Lower Apron 20 "wide, will side to 18.5" after fairing sided 14.5 "above bearding line. Instead from the pictures I think I see a whole extent, in other photos I seem to see a board, you may spegarmi? Thanks

  3. Salve, mi includo in questa discussione perchè anch'io ho infranto le regole del forum, ma senza sapertlo, comunque chiedo scusa. Siccome l'argomento è interessante, sarebbe un peccato escludere chi non sa l'inglese o ne capisce poco. Spero davvero nel buonsenso dei moderatori che ciò non accada, e comunque sia rispetterò la vostra decisione, grazie e cordiali saluti.


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