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Image Comments posted by wesvdell

  1. This is fantastic! Which Lego sets did you use to build this?


    There are many inspirations from different Lego sets, but all of the design is my own.  The figures come from many different Lego themes including Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings etc.  For the shear numbervolume of pieces, almost all were ordered individually on line from various sites including the official Lego shop.  Thanks for your interest!

  2. Awesome build Wes, makes me want to play with Lego again myself. Wonderful work. Anja


    I hope you do some day!  It's a great way to explore the creative process.


    Pure Class.. well done

    I actually picked up some LEGO cogs to make a Rope Serving Machine, would never have thought to take LEGO to this level.

    I say it again Pure Class :)




    There are many beautiful Lego ships out there, but my intention was a bit different.  I wanted to create something accurate enough to fool people that it is Lego from the outside, and then be excited that it is Lego when they get closer and see all the details and crew on board.  


    This is really cool. Will you take it apart or are they glued together?


    No I would never use glue on Lego.  There is no need the way she is built, and with a little dusting every now and then there is no reason she wouldn't stay like this for years to come (I hope).


    This is super, Wes - well done indeed!  I love all the detail you have put into this and the separating sections really expands the possibilities.




    It certainly does expand the possibilities for exploring the ship!  It also makes it quite a bit easier to move around when it's necessary.


    Amazing job, Wes.  My sons are in awe and asking if we can build one too.  "Not today, boys..."


    Ha maybe someday.  Glad they were excited about it though!

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