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Anthony corboy

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Everything posted by Anthony corboy

  1. I think you will find that you have bad quality alloys that are leaching out all the crap nothing you can do but change them I am afraid you have electrolysis going on . ant boilermaker welder
  2. this model has to be finished , wonderful work so far
  3. alfons I must say you have forced my hand I am now going to have to learn how to put photos on here lol . I used to look in on the old forum but was not a member , even then I learnt lots . ive made two models the hms supply and the Hermione Lafayette by AL and I am two years into the making of the soliel royal by mantua .I am lucky one of the builders on here is doing the same model and is well into the rigging and man has he dun some research into it . I will be using his build log as a bibble as I am about to start the rigging . thanks for talking to a first timer . this really is a grate forum ,will keep watching your wonderful model develop .
  4. hi alfons thanks for the welcome , you would most likely have to contact the manufacturers of the products . I must say that the standard of work at sutch a small scale from you and the other modelers is amasing . i think that there are other ways that these small workings could be made . it would be grate to see someone out there have a go at doing some small castings out of molten metal . in the past i have welded up some very small objects with tig welding its amasing how fine you can weld to with the tig welder , also the tig welder will do a beautiful weld on lead and copper and of corse stainless and carbon steel . the welders that come out of china are grate welders with high frequency and are only a few hundred dollars it would not take long with a bit of practise to be able to use one . hope i have not gone on to long thanks anthony
  5. hi to you all this is my first txt to the forum I am a welder by trade ( boilermaker) I think you will find that with most welding brazing or soldering that if the alloy is of a bad quality you will never get it to take or fuse together so it can be a bit hit and miss unless you no you have a good quality casting or material hope this helps from Anthony
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