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Everything posted by korablik1979

  1. I continue to work on a set of threads for seventy-gun gunships. Decorative endings of regels
  2. Oh! How here everything has changed! Just like after the repair: all repainted, new wallpaper pasted. I can smell the paint, the wood and new things.
  3. Thank you. Work is still much to do. If I have health, and continuing to work with thread is bound to be.
  4. Hello, Landrotten Hignlander Thank you very much for your help in understanding. Now I understood everything. PS Really an amazing model of the ship. I never saw her before. Now I know.
  5. Hello, vossiewulf. I still understand very little English and did not understand what you wanted to write. Who's Gaetan? I tried to find information in Google, but found nothing. Probably, it is the master, made a model of the ship ... I understand correctly? I have in my collection of photos there are many different models of ships, among them there are several variants of this "French", but I, unfortunately, do not know the names of the authors. And why do you need a dictionary for Le Fleuron? It's bad when I know a foreign language only through Google's translation. PS I recently started to learn English. I decided to learn with help of movies with subtitles to see and written text and try to pronounce the sentence. I took this one of my favorite movie "Forrest Gump." And I'm good at doing it. But after many painstaking hours, I came across a very difficult phrase: "I could eat about a million and a half of these ..." ©
  6. Many thanks to all for your kind words. I'm glad you like my work.
  7. ...a little more process... Unfortunately the rest of the work photographed. Not enough time.
  8. Mercury Bust for Brig "Mercury" (set of Amati) Scale: 1:64 Material: pink pear Dimensions block of wood (approximately): 35х15х18
  9. Thank you, Eddie. You're too kind to me. Before Mikellandzhelo me very far. I love to be considered antique sculptures. If it were possible, I would gladly settled in Moscow, in the Pushkin Museum, the Hermitage or some other museum, where i can every day to see the magnificent sculpture. I agree life to any small closet. Good thing there is the internet, where you can find many images and photos without leaving the table. I can see their mistakes, and they probably have in any of my work. There is always a desire to do a little bit wrong, how it happened. You ask about the large sculpture? At the height of the human? Such I never did. But maybe one day I will be offered to participate in this order. Even interesting. By my standards, this Minerva is very big. Even more size was only a figure of the British lion. Most models of the ships make smaller. Later I'll show you how it looks Minerva next to other figures.
  10. Thank you for rating. The drawings in this book
  11. Minerva statue. for the seventy-four gun ship (monograph Jean Boudriot) wood: pear Scale: 1:48 Size height: 9 cm
  12. Hello! You have beautiful thread! I look and admire. Immediately I remembered my college when I studied the different types of thread. In Russia, too, has a similar carving technique. It is considered one of the national forms of creativity. And she called geometrical carving. I so wanted to go back to my student days. It's miserably it's impossible. Thank you, that you have shown your work. I liked your job, so I probably can not.
  13. It turned out a strange situation. I have received several letters in private correspondence and responded to them. But today, suddenly again received a letter from a man who just yesterday i sent a letter of reply. Of context, I realized that my answer did not reached the goal. Maybe I'm wrong somehow sent. I was not pleased, because this could happen to others. Maybe, and others too have not received my answers. If suddenly it so, I must going to ask for forgiveness. I do not want to have the impression that I do not answer and ignore your emails. If I suddenly someone offended, then I apologize for that. Believe me, it does not specifically. I'm just in case write your e-mail, you write and I will answer you with pleasure. There, I certainly know how to send emails. e-mail: korablik1979@gmail.com
  14. I am very glad that I could be useful. I am sure that despite the fact that I have written before, you soon will be surprised when you get a treasured parcel. It's really gorgeous instrument. If suddenly you do not say: "I do not believe my eyes This is incredible !!!", then email me and I am ready to buy your order. I am sure that this will not happen, because I know that this is impossible;-)). I'm with a free conscience I can recommend this person. This is not only a wonderful artist, but also an excellent and sympathetic person.
  15. Thank you very much for your kind words, Michael. I agree with you. The tool plays an important role, it is a strong assistant. I have respect for those who chose a modern working methods: rotating tools or machines. I think with any tool needed skills, but I like working chisels. I try to leave traces from the blade, not all of their tidy. I think that it has its own special beauty. But once again, I respect other options thread.
  16. And here is the master coordinates: e-mail: mihail.kirsanov@mail.ru page on the forums: https://www.shipmodeling.ru/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=71418
  17. The author of these tools is the master from Moscow. It also builds model ships. And especially for this work makes to order these chisels. They are really professional, I can say for sure. I check for yourself! And this tool is certainly nowhere to be found, it was made specifically for our micro job. Each chisel can be negotiated separately, it does set it for what it is necessary to the customer. Some people are only a few pieces. Some people need only selected types of chisels. Or you can make a different pen. They can be of different shapes and different materal, such as fine wood, with special privileges to different chisels can be easily distinguished from each other. This miracle of the casket did not have it. This is done after the buyer has bought a similar set. He decided to make for the rest of his tools are the same handle and made such a package here. This wizard makes it really upscale. Photos will not show it real, they need to touch hands, to understand exactly what it is!!! I know that this tool is bought not only modelers and carvers, and craftsmen are made dolls. Once I began to work the rest of these sets are now in the hands like a sleeper. This wizard is no have separate site, he sells his instrument through a Russian Forum. I do not know what his plans are. I think I need to ask him for permission and if he will permit, I will be happy to give his address.
  18. Thank you. I have more work to the thread and I hope I can soon show more. P.S. I say you a secret: one of figure, which is now just at work, I showed with the tools. I hope I can soon show her in a completed state.
  19. About a separate conversation tool. At first I worked as a tool that has been bought in a department for creativity. It was cheap. And over time I began to realize that he is not for me. Then for fine threads I made for a pair of semi-circular chisels of needles for sewing machines. Such an instrument and worked. Later I saw the Russian ship modeling forum, I saw a wizard that makes custom micro tool. And I ordered this. When I tried to work it, then very surprised. It was a great tool. I liked him so much that I ordered with time this wizard has several sets. One set for a major thread. To them I do rough carving. Last week I received a parcel are two more boxes. This 2 rightmost box, with dark handles They were as small chisels that were with me, but I ordered the other handle. I also ordered and tools that have I did not work. In Russian Language kljukarzy. Them cut a spoon. I do not know exactly what it is called in English, I found these terms: Short bent gouge / Long bent gouge, Front bent gouge / curved Guge, Spoon bent gouge / Long bent Guge. If I wrote wrong - correct. To my surprise, in a new set of chisels it was even smaller. Straight chisels from 0.8 mm to 3 mm and semicircular: 0.5 !!! - 4 mm. There are also different scoring area and kosyachki. All tools came to me fully sharpened, very sharp. This set is very much helps me in my work. I am sure that even if you do not deal with such a set of thread is very necessary for any ship modeling man. Can you imagine how it helps in the construction of the Admiralty models ship! Even if you collect the set of a set of boxes - a big help.
  20. Once again I want to thank everyone for their words of support. About the video i never thought. Maybe it would be and interesting. But I do not think it will be possible to find something new. I will try to make such a movie, but do not know exactly how. I cut not so fast, one figure takes about a month. Sometimes it is necessary and remodel. Things happen. Therefore, make a video it is a matter not fast. I previously tried to take pictures during the carving. It was interesting to watch over time as work is changing. But now I do not. Lazy.
  21. Thank you very much for your kind words. I am very pleased. I sit now red with embarrassment, like a tomato
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