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Everything posted by korablik1979

  1. I also would like to ask for help. Tell me, how is the profile adjusted? How do I have more information under my comment, like many do. For example, links to their topics and forum threads?
  2. I do not know if it will work or not. What is interesting for you? Ask questions about what you would like to see and I'll try to show you how I work.
  3. Hello, Dziadeczek. In the process of work there is nothing special. In this topic, I have already shown how the sculpture gradually changed in the process of carving. Gradually, an ordinary bar appears. Here you can see the main points of my work. First, in a wooden bar I make a groove, for which a sculpture is needed to be mounted on the stem. Then I do a rough cleaning of the workpiece. I used to do this with a circular saw, making it cut. Now I'm using a band saw. It's faster and more convenient. After the machines comes time for chisels. First a large set, and then a small chisel and knife. I already laid out the photo with the workflow, please see the previous pages of this topic. Now I do not take pictures during work. I do not see the point. I'm doing everything the same as before, I did not come up with anything new. I do not know how to describe the process of carving. I make small details with the help of small chisels. There are photos of my instrument. There are a lot of video clips in YouTube, where you can see the work with cutters and knives. I'm not fit to be a teacher.
  4. Good afternoon, Alberto. Thank you for appreciating my work.
  5. Thank you. I was very pleased to work with this sculpture. Very beautiful. As soon as I saw her, I immediately decided that I would have to cut out this image. I am very pleased that I had this order. I very much regret that now it is over.
  6. I show the next work. Sculpture for the French ship "Le Commerce de Marseille"
  7. Thank you very much for such a detailed answer. Now I know the answers to the questions that prevented me from sleeping. I am very glad.
  8. Thank you very much for such a high rating. You clearly overestimate my skills.
  9. Thank you for your reply, Gaetan. Most likely I made poorly the words and the meaning of my question remained for you is not clear. I understand that the degree of details of sculptures depends on the scale of the model. I was interested in something else. I see pictures of you on which there are several variants of the same ship. And they are all on different scales. I understand that the construction of each model took a lot of time. Therefore, I had a question: for what reason do you make the same ship? Why, once you do it, do not you do it another time? Usually this happens when work is done under the order for sale to the customer. And after the construction is over, these models leave to live in the collection for their new owners. But then I see that all the models are in one place. So I was wondering why did you make such a choice? This reminded me of the film "Amelie", when one of the characters of this film each year drew the same picture. I hope now I was able to correctly describe what interested me. You are so fond of this ship, and you are very fond of building it, or is there some secret hidden here? Or maybe I misunderstood and in fact all these models actually went to different customers? Please, open this secret. Very interesting! P.S. Often I come across the fact that very many craftsmen in Europe, America and other parts of the world prefer to make threads with an electric tool. I'm very interested to see how the sculptures made by hand knives differ from those that were made with the help of power tools. This is a big difference. I noticed that the choice of the instrument is related to the material of the sculpture. There are such species of wood that are very, very, very difficult to cut with knives. And the only way out for such a solid tree is the burs. Tell me, what kind of wood do you make your carving from? And why do you choose this kind of tree. What is the advantage of this choice? For example, I noticed that many masters in the west choose for carving boxwood. I tried to cut this tree and for me it seemed too solid. I like to make carving with knives and when I tried cutting with knives and chisels boxwood, I realized that this tree is ruining and "kill" my tool. Therefore, I try to choose this type of wood, so that it would be convenient to work with knives. To the tree was solid enough to work on it even small parts, but not so solid to spoil my knives. This is the first reason. And the second reason: I try to look for a tree very close to the color and tone that old masters used in past centuries. Tell me, please, what tree do you choose and for what reasons is this choice?
  10. Many thanks for the warm response and appreciation of my work. My name is Alexander. A "korablik" is a Russian word written in Latin. In Russian it means a small ship.
  11. Good afternoon, Gaetan. I immediately apologize for my wrong (broken) English. I hope it can be understood correctly without looking at Google translation. Tell me, is it possible to photograph Minerva in detail? Ship sculpture for me represents a separate, special interest. I really like to see the carving on the models of ships. And I try to constantly replenish the collection of photos of different figures. At you, probably, separate emotions to seventy-four gun Budrio, you so often do this model in different scales. Tell me, what is the reason for this decision? Do they have differences besides dimensions? Sincerely, Alexander
  12. I hoped that photos of this work will appear much earlier. But I to publish it turned out just now. I already mentioned in one of the past posts that one and the same character for the same models are different. I consciously try not to make duplicate copies, especially when there are no exact data and drawings for work have only an approximate image. In this work, all this is clearly visible, I tried to go a little different way and created another image, so that it was not the same as the first time. But I was surprised that when the customer sent me the sizes they were also different. It was impossible to take measurements from the previous order and on their basis to do this work.
  13. Hello, Jay. A good machine. I'm glad that you decided for yourself the task of sharpening. Have I translated your phrase correctly that you want to send your jig machine to me? If I translated correctly, then I want to tell you many thanks for your concern and your proposal. But I do not think that makes sense. It will be too much trouble, it's like asking to pass a saltcellar with salt from one corner of the planet to another corner. It even resembles a story for an easy comedy, I imagine how this story may look in the movie: the parcel gets into a storm or is confused with another address. She travels for a very long time, and eventually arrives at last to her destination after many years. It's not difficult for me to make the machine myself, I really like to make and in this process there is a special meaning. I am sure that any man with his hands in the right place understands what I want to say. If I do not forget, then when I make my version of the sharpening machine, I will show the photo and it will be possible to compare and exchange opinions. P.S. At times I can not respond quickly to comments. Sometimes you have to go to the doctors for treatment. In such periods it is difficult for me to write with the translation through the phone. So if I do not answer for a long time, it probably means that I have just such an event. Therefore, I apologize for the long silence, do not be offended by this, do not think that I'm ignoring someone's letters.
  14. Hello, Jay. I completely agree with you about the lime tree. I know this kind of wood well. It really requires an ideal sharpness of the blade. Talk about different breeds can be conducted indefinitely. I am sure that each carver will have his own preferences and opinions. And it's good that the choice is huge and you can find different options. When I was a student one of my teachers told us at the lectures: It does not matter to me what and how you will do it. For me, what matters is what you get. If you can paint with a green paint so that everyone will understand that it is orange, then I will call you geniuses. Try it! Experiment! Look for different ways and approaches! I have long taught you how to properly hold brushes and pencils, but on examinations I never ask how exactly you held them when you drew. I do not care. Even if you kept your pencil on your feet, I will not say a word about it. I will speak and evaluate what you have done. Only this is important! " I still remember these words. I try to stick to this view too. I wish you success in your work.
  15. Now the breed is wood. Basically all my carving is made from pear or apple. One more time I cut from the plum. Why exactly from these breeds are dreves? 1. An apple tree or a pear is well suited for such work. They cut easily. I do not need to make much effort to work. And at the same time this tree is of sufficient density to easily hold any shape. I can make the smallest hair curls and the wood will not be relaxet, broken off and spoiled. Very convenient in work. 2. Both apple and pear tree practically do not have sharp transitions in color in fibers, as for example in beech or walnut. They do not have grooves, cracks, ulcers, like oak trees. It is very important. There are so many places where a well-pronounced texture adorns the carving and makes it unique. But for the figures on the models of ships, this effect is unacceptable (I only express my opinion, I do not want to impose it on others and if someone thinks differently, I always respect another opinion). In my opinion, the scale of the sculpture is too small for a bright texture. Any small cracks drevisiny immediately become huge on the ship and break the scale of the model. This applies to any parts of the model: deck, keel, mast. And for sculptures, even more so. For Russia this has already become an almost unofficial rule. Practically everyone makes of these kinds of wood. Even when a whale is made, only beginners take the workpieces out of the box, almost everything remakes everything they can. And this is the third reason that I make from this type of tree. About Paduk, I can not tell you anything, I never worked with him. The reason has already described. But I can express my opinion about boxwood. I do not work with him, and I do not accept orders from this breed of wood. Once I tried it and I did not get anything good. This tree is very hard, solid. My micro instrument very quickly fell into disrepair. His tiny dimensions proved too soft for a tree of such hardness. I studied how other carvers make carvings. I looked at the work of those who work with boxwood and noticed that they do not cut, but are milled with micro drills and burs. I have such an instrument. I use it, but very, very, very rarely. Only when I can not get anywhere by a chisel. I do not really like to do all the milling work. I would like to stress once again that all statements about different types of trees are only my personal opinion. That's all I can say about the tree in my work. Now I'll go to bed and let the Google translator cool down the , he's already smokes ...
  16. I'm sorry, Jay. I really missed this post. Oops. In this question it is impossible to give one answer. There is no concept of a standard size for a figurine. At me all figures turn out in different sizes. And this is natural. For one model, you need a small bust, and for another, a full-length figure or even several figures together: a rider on a horse or a multi-figure composition. Each master and customer does on different scales. The biggest figure that I have encountered in my work so far is the British lion. It was about 15 centimeters in length. And the smallest detail was about 1 centimeter. I even had such that almost simultaneously I was ordered the same order by two people. Both collected the same set, the same firm. But when each of them sent their sizes and wishes, I was surprised to find that the figures in size would be different. One of the orders I showed, I will soon show another one and it will become clear what I have just written about. Here is the only advice: if you choose from several options for the size of wooden bars, it is more profitable to have a larger one. After all, from a large bar you can make a large figure and or few small ones, and from a small workpiece a large figure will not work. You can, of course, make it a component of several parts, but in each case you need to look separately. Here is a photo that shows how different figures look next to each other. I took this picture for the customer. He sent his block of wood so that the figure would ideally match in color. I photographed the report how much material I had to spend and how much I left for other details. From the fragment of the bar, which is already missing, Minerva was made.
  17. Hello. I'm glad that you liked my work. I am sure for every artist is important when he is understood and evaluated. Thank you for your kind words and appreciation. Separately, I want to say thank you for the very beautiful expression of your grandfather. It sounds amazingly accurate and beautiful. I am sure that now I will never forget it, I will also use these words myself. They really liked me, I can not imagine how you could think сome up with a thing. This is genius. Thank you. P.S. Most likely it is written with errors, I hope you could correctly understand what I wanted to write. Sorry for the mistakes.
  18. Thank you, Albert. You are as always kind to me.
  19. Wow! Jay, you put me in the freezer. I sat with my mouth open for several minutes after your posts. This is a whole thesis! You understood very well what I meant when I wrote about the jig. But now I'm worried. Do you have video cameras and microphones to watch over my desk or can you read minds from a distance? I'll go make a hat from foil just in case. If I say without jokes, I do not even know what can be added to your words, you have already written everything. Bravo!
  20. The fact that the semicircular chisels are made without advancement the middle (like the protruding lip of an offended child), but even has its own meaning. First, straight edge allows you to do even drilling. Already more than once I enjoyed this advantage. For example, it was necessary to make a depression on a relief surface. A mini drill and boer would not help, the boer would simply run off to the side and crush the figure. But the semicircular chisel helped. I needed only to pin it in the right place and then make light circular motions. And she created the perfect circle herself. In the same way, I did my eyes in some cases with my figures. For example, a British lion. Only after the designation of the eye radius was the tree removed not inside the circle, but outside. If the chisel had protruding edge, then it was no longer possible for her to perform such an operation. Secondly, it matters when sharpening. Believe me, it's not so easy to sharpen the radii of millimetric dimensions with protruding. And if you want to make the jig, then you have to do them for each chisel separately, because each diameter will have a different point of taper. When working with a micro tool, the protruding has no obvious advantages, except for the habit that large chisels have this form, but there are disadvantages. The shape without sharpening is not accidental. Try to work for some months with this tool and you will get used to and understand the meaning of such a tool geometry. Although, of course, every master has his own preferences and he decides how it is more convenient for him to work.
  21. Here is a link to the topic with the construction of "Frenchman": http://forum.modelsworld.ru/topic13984.html About the clamp you misunderstood me. I meant the vice in order to clamp the chisels for sharpening. For me, sharpening such a small tool causes some difficulties. My manual sharpening does not allow to perfectly observe the correct position of the blades. Because of this, the shape of the blades gradually loses the correct geometry. And my have to sweat for a long time to achieve corrections. So now I want to come up with sharpening devices that will help to keep the right slopes and angles. In my work with threading, I do not use similar stands for fixing parts. I have already shown in the photos how I conduct my work. First, in the workpiece I make a groove under the seat for the stem. Then from the bar I make the shape of the stem and glue the workpiece onto it. I keep the workpiece on the template in my hand and cut it. If the part is flat, then I just stick it on a flat bar. I can put it on the table and hold it in my hands when it is needed. After the thread, I heat the part on the template with hot air using a hair dryer. The glue softens and the part is neatly removed. Somewhere here there is such a picture, somehow my wife took pictures of me. That's all, everything is quite simple and primitive.
  22. Good afternoon, Jay. Thank you for high valuation my work. And thanks for your expanded, great comments. You give a lot of useful links and tips. They are useful and interesting for me. Unfortunately, I do not know this site well and many of the reviews of ships are unknown to me. Recently, I generally very rarely look through the forums. Even their own, Russian, where there are masters speaking in Russian. There are many reasons for this, I will not list them, it is a separate topic for conversation, which will lead away from the topic, flood. So when you give me links on topics with ships, they become discoveries for me, I leaf through them for a long time, read and watch. This theme with the construction of a large 74 cannon ship, I have already saved myself in the bookmarks. Very interesting. I like it. The Russian forum has a similar theme, it talks about the construction of a giant model of the ship "Frenchman". It makes a very interesting master from Ukraine. With the study of English , unfortunately, things are going badly. I can not regularly give this time. I'm sure this can be seen from the fact that my text is as wrong as it was before. I'm very glad that you liked the instrument. It is really well suited not only for threading, but also for any carpentry work for the ship model. Especially it concerns the manufacture of admiralty models where there is a need to manufacture grooves, spikes, bevels and other engineering joints. Handles chisels is a separate topic. My first set was with pens in the form of pencils. I work them constantly, this is my main tool for several years. This year I ordered another set. I already showed it in the photo before. He has dark handles. They are similar in form to drops. For me, this form is most convenient. And the practice with these chisels has already proved this to me. With these pens I can hold the instrument as Karadash. Wherever I need it, I can hold the handle in my fist, press the palm of my hand against of my the back head tool handle. Each master has his own characteristics and each master makes the tool so that it is convenient for work. As well as before, sabers were made, swords, so that they were individual, lay perfectly in the hand of their master. P.S. Thanks again, and I wish you success in your work.
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