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I have a anycubic photon m3 and the touch screen control panel cracked meaning it was really hard to use. So after googling around the process of changing spare parts didn't seem that hard, so I jumped in and tried to find a 2.8 inch touch screen replacement. Anycubic were out of stock so needed to find after market solution.


I can recommend that chitu systems who write chitubox have spares for printers and I ordered the 2.8 inch screen and 7 days later it arrived from China. No instructions but tonnes of videos on the web to sort of follow.


So the process to fix the screen is as follows, the photos document the steps as well:


1. Take off the bottom plate screws and remove the bottom plate.

2. Undo the electrical cables to give better access

3. Take off the plastic guard to stop cables crossing into the lcd and laser area of the printer.

4. Take off the control panel card

5. Undo the cables by flicking the little black bars on the connectors upwards.

6. Plug in the new screen and make sure the screen going in the right way up. There are no marks indicating the top on the Chinese card.

7. Re screw the screen into the printer.

8. Due to different plug in point on the replacement the original printer cable was slightly too short but chitu systems sent a spare cable in the box which was long enough. 

9. Remove original cable and plug in new one. Push black retaining bars back down to lock in.

10. Replace cable guard and tuck all the cables down out of the LCD screen perimeter.

11. Test again all good before base plate placement. Plug in cables and screw down plate.


I left the plastic screen protector on.. it works with it on and gives a little bit of protection  from resin drips from the vat


That's it.. all fixed
















Edited by Srenner

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