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Everything posted by Capt.Rick

  1. I have found the title and a source for this print, although I'd love to get a larger color copy of it. The title is "An American Brig armed with Cannon' dated 1824, by Antoine Roux. Now, the title and the dates given for this are obviously incorrect since this is a watercolor of a schooner - not a brig - and the date places this painting well after the War of 1812. I still don't know what the original title was that Roux had given it, nor the date that this was actually painted, although 1806 is the best guess which places the location in Marseilles, France.
  2. Chapman, Can you tell mw the name of this painting and what your source is, please? It looks like it is only a small part of a larger watercolor and sketch. Thank you!
  3. have you seen this color image of Antoine Roux's watercolor? I'd like to find a larger image of this, but so far I have had no luck.
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