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Everything posted by chompsalot

  1. I think I have the correct bend in the transom plate now. It looks about right. I also installed the plank sheers. However, I'm finding that the bulkheads are very brittle. While fairing the frame and shaping the stanchions, I broke several of them. Instead of carving, they seem to kinda just split or that brake right off. I've glued them back in place but think I might have gotten a defective kit.
  2. I have the bevels cut. But I'm still not sure the way it should be bent. Is it towards the center line from each side? or top to bottom?
  3. So, I'm a bit confused about the transom framing piece. I have to bevel it on top and bottom, and then bend it. I guess the bottom dotted line is the underside bevel, and the solid line above it is the top bevel? And then the plans show to bend it to the curve shown. That's where I'm really confused. At what points is that measured?
  4. Haha, I was just looking at that. I did prep the stanchions some but I was afraid of taken them down to much. I can see now that it wasn't even close. Tanks for the tip.
  5. It's starting to take shape! There is a slight warp in one of the middle bulkheads that I couldn't straighten out. I'm not sure if it will be an issue or not? All the rest of them are square so I think it will be ok. My next step is checking the fairness. However, I was wondering if I should install the transom first? Or am i thinking to hard?
  6. A bit more progress today. I did the rabbet and bearding line, not sure if it's correct really but I think it's pretty close. I did some shaping on the keel stem and rudder. Then installed the stem. After it dried I noticed my line was a bit off. Once the glue cures I'll shape it a bit more. Well, back to sanding on the bulkheads....
  7. Yeah, I thought it was kinda weird. The bulkheads are the same size as the keel sandwich.
  8. So I'm not really sure why they made this false keel four pieces. The two identical pieces for the front, then the same for the back sandwiched together, then join the front and back. However there it is and it's drying. Reading through the instructions for the next step, it says to cut the rabbet and the bearding line. I am curious if that it a good idea or not. I've seen a few posts that talk about adding a piece of scrap because they cut to much? Any advise would be great.
  9. Great, thank you. So far I'm building this piece of garbage Fair-A-Frame with 3 versions of revised instructions. Which is really wonderful since none of the measurements are correct anyway. I've read here that there are better options to use, so i think i'm just building it because it's here.
  10. Hi all! So I have just completed the hardest part on my build. Which was waiting for Fedex to show up with my package. Now I have a basic question already. I have Gorilla glue and Elmer's wood glue. Are these ok to use or should i get something else? Well off to finish unboxing and inspecting parts. More to come soon.
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