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    Sparta nj
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    My modeling interest started about 7 years ago. I spent my summers on cape cod sailing and racing boats from an early age. Everything from sunfish to 35 footers in open class. My best friends dad owned a shipyard, "Flyers" in p town. I spent many a day helping where i could, from calking Trawlers to being a third hand wherever. I look back and i am grateful for those opportunities being exposed to real ship building. About seven years ago i was diagnosed with a lower back that required extensive surgery. My wife new i'd have a long recovery time so she asked if i would like a model to build recuperating. I picked the Beagle. (Pics in gallery) Many a long and painful day was spent working on that model, instructions in Italian and no clue of what i was doing! Needless to say a real challenge. Two years layer i needed another operation, this time i picked the constellation. Bought a book and went from there. Found this site and learned about all the problems concerning the accuracy of the constellation kit but i did and still don't care. It is a beautiful model and i did a lot of scratch work on it. (Gallery) it is almost done and the next kit is the Benjamin Latham. Having a Cape Cod fishing background i think it is appropriate. I'll scratch where i can,learning to make rope and all all the other possibilities i've found on this site. I no longer have my business doing home repair (back) but i do have a lot of tools!! I still do marquetry work and sell it on Etsy. I plan on starting the Latham soon and l look forward to learning and sharing my experiences here, it is a great site!!

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  1. This is the product I use, http://www.amazon.com/Ground-Hide-Glue-1-Pound/dp/B003AYTJSC/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1398639536&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=Hyde+glue. Mix with water heat to 140,(i use a hotplate, place glue/water mixture in jar, place jar in water bath)
  2. Good day Scott, i'm a Scott also! I use hide glue in certain applications on models. I use it very often in the marquetry work that i do. It has many great attributes as you have stated. One that is not and is the reason i use it is when it drys it is HARD! Regular pcv glues when fully cured have some flexability in them. Pull off cured glue waste from around a applicator neck and you can bend it. Hide glue is like glass, it will snap. On the benjamin latham model that I just started it requires you to glue four pieces together to form the keel. After gluing them together and letting them set overnight the keel is dead strait and will not flex when pressure is applied. When the bulkheads are attached the body of the ship is very rigged and will not warp! Just another attribute of a great product!
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