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    Sparta nj
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    My modeling interest started about 7 years ago. I spent my summers on cape cod sailing and racing boats from an early age. Everything from sunfish to 35 footers in open class. My best friends dad owned a shipyard, "Flyers" in p town. I spent many a day helping where i could, from calking Trawlers to being a third hand wherever. I look back and i am grateful for those opportunities being exposed to real ship building. About seven years ago i was diagnosed with a lower back that required extensive surgery. My wife new i'd have a long recovery time so she asked if i would like a model to build recuperating. I picked the Beagle. (Pics in gallery) Many a long and painful day was spent working on that model, instructions in Italian and no clue of what i was doing! Needless to say a real challenge. Two years layer i needed another operation, this time i picked the constellation. Bought a book and went from there. Found this site and learned about all the problems concerning the accuracy of the constellation kit but i did and still don't care. It is a beautiful model and i did a lot of scratch work on it. (Gallery) it is almost done and the next kit is the Benjamin Latham. Having a Cape Cod fishing background i think it is appropriate. I'll scratch where i can,learning to make rope and all all the other possibilities i've found on this site. I no longer have my business doing home repair (back) but i do have a lot of tools!! I still do marquetry work and sell it on Etsy. I plan on starting the Latham soon and l look forward to learning and sharing my experiences here, it is a great site!!

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