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Everything posted by Homebrew

  1. Hi Scott, Yes I have had problems with CA. I need to use CA to glue the metal pieces in place to the wood parts. I prefer to use a thick slow setting CA, but this wouldn't stick the metal deadeyes I needed to use a fast setting CA. I find the fast setting CA too runny. It gets away from me so I always put a dab of the the glue on a card then use a toothpick to place the glue where I need it. However, twice now I have accidentally glued my thumb to my finger very solidly, and I no longer apply the CA directly to the toothpick because I kept glueing the toothpick to my fingers. I use weldbond for wood glue, but I have found CA invaluable for the metal parts. Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  2. EJ. - Libraries are a good source of audiobooks. I first borrowed the Patrick O'brian books from them. Chuck - Have you had the model long? Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  3. I like to model while listening to the audiobook series of Aubrey-Maturin by Patrick O'Brian. The one I am listening to at the moment is book 3 - H. M. S. Surprise. It is read by the soothing voice of Patrick Tull Cheers Mark from Tasmania ps. Still ratlining .
  4. My model workstation was attacked by the cat. Unattached model pieces were knocked to the floor then scattered. A similar fate affected the tools. Fortunately the model itself was only knocked over on its side, so it suffered only minor damage. It is annoying because of the time it took to collect all the fittings, blocks, etc, and even then I'm not sure I got them all. Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  5. I have replaced the 32 pounder with a Dahlgren gun which I made from a old paintbrush handle and wood scraps. Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  6. The capstan looks great! I like your attention to detail with the bars at different heights plus that you left the bars in the capstan as if it is about to be used. Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  7. You are welcome. I'm glad you are finding them useful. Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  8. Hi EJ, Here are the plans. I think they are of the model in the collection, rather than the ship actual. I have made the photos of the models hi-res. Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  9. While I decide about the rigging I started to read more of the NRG Journal. The author has a discussion about the forward gun. The kit supplies a 32 pounder, which I thought was unusual to site in the middle of the deck rather than on a bulkhead but I figured it was stored there while not in action. I had no idea how to rig it in that position. Anyway it seems more likely that the gun was a much larger rifled barrel piece as shown in the journal image below. So I'm going to replace the 32 pounder with a more likely gun. I will make the gun from the handle of an old paintbrush, then make the carriage from wood cast-offs. Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  10. An enjoyable day in all, and I was joined by a shipmate. Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  11. I dug out my old notes including a 3 part journal article in the Nautical Research Journal. One photo from the articles shows the rigging error might be correct. Thoughts, gentlemen? Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  12. I spent a few hours today on her. I discovered that I have a rigging error. I rigged the last three deadeyes on the foremast channel to all goto the crosstrees.
  13. Hi, I purchased this model on ebay about 10 years ago and started the build in 2007. I worked on it regularly till work got too busy during the year. Now I want to finish it. There are a few broken pieces to fix and reattach, otherwise i is in great condition. It looks like I was working on the rigging when I left her in drydock. Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  14. Excellent work! I can't believe you can work so quickly. It is good for me to see a build of her. Years ago I purchased a set of plans from France which includes some photos of the admiralty model. Cheers Mark from Tasmania
  15. Nice build. How are you fixing the copper plates? Did you clean them or did they come in the kit that shiny? Cheers Mark
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