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  1. Another thing that may work to break bond is vinegar Greg. soak a cloth in vinegar and apply it directly on glue. let it soak well in. then gently try to rock pieces apart. If it doesnt work repeat process but never force joint to much. try to separate it gradually between soaks.
  2. I bought the whole kit on ebay a few years ago and just started at it over 2 weeks ago. It cost me 300euro. That about 375 dollors. All the kit was owned by a guy who got married and then had kids and had no time to start it. I have an amati model as well. that still in box. I hope to get a billings Im been saving to get one. I collect alot of things to do with Titanic. I have wood from Olympic and a set of coins celebrating Titanic 100 yrs. There only 500 sets of them worldwide. Lots more things to to do with Titanic but to much to mention. I got my interest in it cause my grandmother just missed it from cobh in county cork.
  3. Thanks Brian. It my first build with wood so fingers crossed. I wont rush it anyhow. I will do my best at it. I seen the billings model of it and love to build that one after this. I bought photoetch workstation and air brushes. When it comes to painting I will need advice as it not my strong point. I never used airbrush before but have seen lovely results with it from others that use it.
  4. First build of a model in wood. Just over 2 weeks into build. I put very thin line of wood glue on edge of each hull plank before I attached it to hull. It makes structure stronger and better for sanding after I find, cause there is no individual movement of planks in and out when sanding, so result is smoother finish I think anyhow as pics of stern show that I have sanded. Also I painted paper cut out of windows, doors etc in a semi clear varnish to prevent fading of them over years due to sunlight. Anyone else who has any tips greatly appreciated More brains the better. It never hurts to listen
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