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    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone
    Thanks for all your comments and support, so far. Whilst it may look like nothing much has happened over the past few days, I've managed to make the skylight which sits over the main saloon as well as work on other bits and pieces. I'll post better photos later on, but I've attached three below just to give you an idea of where things are at. There's still lots more work to go, though, especially to the skylight, etc.
    Please see photos below.

  2. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi Dennis 
    Many thanks. Yep, I've done some planking on the deck, but my intention is to do the absolute minimum, thereby leaving as much viewing area as possible. So much so, that planking will only be put on if it is needed for the skylight and other deck items such as the binnacle, etc.
    Incidentally, I did the same with my other model of Ingomar (see photo below) and it worked really well on that model, so I'll probably do the same here.
    All the best

  3. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone
    Many thanks for all of your likes and comments and especially to Nils, Mike, Dennis, Captain Bob, Michael and Igor.  Whilst the gauntlet has been put down I'm still not sure how i can even do a 3 mm square sea map...but you never know.  If I do, I will be sure to post it, that's for sure!
    I have, however done some more work on the cabin, most importantly the external cockpit seating area, complete with white cushions.  At some point, I'll still, however, need to get back to finishing off the ship's interior.  Once that's done, then I can get back to finishing the painting of the hull and then glueing the deck to the hull.
    Still loads of work to do, as you can see.
    I hope you enjoy the photos.
    Cheers and all the best

  4. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone.
    Many thanks for your Likes and comments.
    Igor and Dennis - I decided to leave the coaming off the floor of the cabin because it would be hard to see it anyway, but thanks for your feedback and suggestions.
    I've done a bit more work on the cabin and here're the results of it temporarily (and crookedly) sitting in the hull.
    Hope you enjoy them!
    All the best

  5. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone
    Many thanks to everyone for their Likes and comments, especially Lawrence, Dennis, Piet, Matija and Igor.
    I've decided to show the following photos of the cabin removed from the hull in order to show you the complex nature of its design.  Please bear in mind that this is part guess work on my part because I don't have detailed plans of the interior.  All I have to go by are some photos of the real ship's cabin as well as the blurry low resolution accommodation plan shown on page 1 of this log.  Who knows, I may be wide off the mark in many areas, but it's the best I could come up with.
    Please note also, that the blue 'squares' that you can see on the white settees are in fact scatter cushions, randomly laying about in order to give a semblance of life to the model (oh well, use your imagination here).  The whole cabin still requires a fair bit more work, including the ballustrading for the staircase, so please forgive the messiness and roughness.
    Anyhow, I hope you enjoy the photos!
    All the best

  6. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone.  Thanks for your Likes, especially Igor (for the cups), Tuffarts, Lawrence, Mick (Yamsterman), and Mike Gerber for their comments!

    A bit of a milestone happened tonight. I've managed to build the main cabin's superstructure. I've cut a temporary roof to fit over the cabin in order to give a better impression of what the final product will look like.

    Overall, the cabin may look deceptively simple, but in actual fact it was the most complex part of the whole ship. Why? The reason is that because the ship's interior has been built, the cabin floor and companionway staircase must fit just exactly right. Getting the height of the cabin floor wrong would mean that the internal doorways from the midship cabins through to the aft owner's stateroom would be too low for a person to fit through. So, quite a bit of brain power and planning had to go into it to get it just right. The cabin also has its own settees and table in it as well, so getting that right was a challenge as well.

    Oh well, there may still be heaps of work to go, but at least it's been fun so far.

    Hope you enjoy the photos.

    All the best


  7. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi Igor
    I've found these photos, taken earlier, of the painting on the wall. If I can, I'll follow up on your suggestion to see what else I can put up on the bulkheads. The more, the better, as they'll add life and character to the interior.
    I hope you like them!

  8. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone, especially Kevin, Lawrence, Piet, Michael and everyone who hit the Like button.
    I've added a bit more detail to the main saloon, including the main settee, some cabinetry including a full height cabinet and the saloon's formal dining table. Still more work to go, though.
    The latest photos are as follows.
    Hope you like them!
    All the best

  9. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone
    Many thanks for all your comments and likes. I can't tell you how much I appreciate them.
    Tonght, I added more small details to Rainbow's forward cabins, such as the overhead lockers and pillows on the bunk beds. Amidships, in the seating area across from the galley, I added the table that the crew would rest at with a tote of rum.
    I also started on the main saloon dining table which sits in the saloon. Later on, I'll add the saloon chairs to accompany the table.
    Hope you enjoy these photos.
    All the best, folks.

  10. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi eveyone
    Many thanks to all for their Likes and comments.
    Rainbow's progress has been slow this week. However, tonight I managed to concentrate on building the bunks in the forward cabins as well as one of the bathrooms. At the rear of the boat, I've also added the double bed mattress in the owner's stateroom, complete with pillows and a counterpane. Ok, you may need to use a bit of imagination....
    Hopefully you'll enjoy these latest photos. Have a great weekend folks!
    All the best

  11. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi Bob
    I've just measured the plasticard sheet (.20mm thick) and also the thick cardboard which was used as the temporary stand for the hull. The card measured .42 mm thick.
    The photos are below. I've thrown in some better photos of Rainbow as well, just in case anyone's interested in seeing more photos.
    All the best!

  12. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone!
    Thanks for all your likes and comments!  Greatly appreciated.  Special thanks also to Dennis, Jeff, Igor and David for their recent comments.
    The next few photos show the progress made so far on the owner's cabin at the rear as well as the galley.  I've also temporarily marked the topside of the hull with a black marker pen, just to get an idea of the final paint job.  Not too bad, I thought.  I'll paint it properly afterwards.
    All the best everyone!

  13. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone
    Hope your week's been going well.  Rainbow's progress continues...my main objective though, has been to concentrate on the major bulkheads and cupboard, etc.  Once I'm happy that these are in place, then I'll start on the other details, such as the doors, mattresses, sink, galley, etc.
    I hope you enjoy these photos.

  14. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi Lawrence, Matija and everyone for their Likes! Greatly appreciated.
    Lawrence, I'm with you on that score. I always believe that adding life to a model, especially through detail, adds so much character and realism; which I guess explains why I love doing the interiors of models.
    Here are a few more shots, just for the sake of it!
    Hope you all have a nice week.

  15. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi all
    Here's the latest photos of Rainbow's interior.
    Hope you enjoy.
    All the best for the weekend!

  16. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone
    Hope all is going well. Thank you to everyone for their comments, Likes and encouragement so far.
    As you'll see from the following photos, I've made some progress on Rainbow's interior. Still a very long way to go, but it's a start. Please don't mind the bulkheads being out of alignment because they're just temporarily positioned whilst the work progresses.
    Hope you enjoy the photos.

  17. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi all

    After spending some time cutting the internal bulkheads, I've now made a start on the internal accommodation; namely the main saloon amidships. It may not look like much yet, but hopefully it'll all come together into a very presentable interior.

    I've also included a photo of the deck, which may look terribly unfinished! Rest assured that I've deliberately decided to leave the majority of the deck unplanked to allow the interior to be seen.

    Hope you enjoy the photos and have a great week!



  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone and thanks for all the Likes and comments.  As you can see from the photos below, I've started on the deck's framework.  As I intend to fully detail the interior of Rainbow's hull, it's important that as much of it can be viewed and enjoyed.  For this reason, the deck will be left open and unplanked.  
    Progress is steady, yet slow.  No need to rush things; besides, I'm finding it too enjoyable to rush.
    I hope you enjoy the photos so far.
    All the best

  19. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi all
    Rainbow, all of a sudden has turned red! No stress, though. The reason is that I decided to paint the whole hull with a Matt Red colour. This will then be the colour of the hull under the water line. Once I'm satisfied that the paint looks good, I'll the paint the top sides gloss black. Hope this all makes sense.
    I've also planked the floors onto which the internal bulkheads and accommodation will reside. Some of the bulkheads can be seen temporarily propped up in the photos.
    Well, overall, progress may be slow, but, it's still heaps of fun, nonetheless.
    Hope you enjoy the photos.

  20. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone
    There's been a lot of work on Rainbow, but ironically, not much to show for it. For instance, I've done lots of prep work and measurements, but, none of that work is visible. However, I have started to paint Rainbow's hull. Initially, I'll use this white enamel, but later, the finishing colours will be black top sides and red under the water (as per the real ship).
    Hope you enjoy the progress so far.

  21. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone!
    Rainbow's journey continues, albeit slowly.  I've applied putty to the external planking of the hull and proceeded to sand it back.  There's still more sanding and filling to go before I can achieve a nice and smooth surface to paint upon.  But here's the results so far.
    Hope you enjoy the photos.
    All the best

  22. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone
    Well, as promised, here are the latest photos of Rainbow's hull. She has emerged from the temporary frame jig in all her fragile glory. There's still a lot of sanding and filling to patch up the little inevitable hollows that occur when planking, but, it's a milestone to have released the hull from the jig. The simulated internal ribbing will also need to be added...monotonous job it may be, but necessary to ensure some degree of structural rigidity.
    I've also made a temporary work stand to hold her from this point on.
    Hope you enjoy the photos.

  23. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone
    Here's the progress so far. Rainbow's frames have been assembled on her keel and the first plank has been temporarily positioned to check the sheer line. I've taken care to ensure that the frames have been waxed to stop them sticking to the planks. That way, if all goes according to plan, I should be able to lift the hull off the temporary frames without any problems.
    Here're the photos.
    All the best

  24. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Omega1234 in Rainbow by Omega1234 - FINISHED - J-Class Racing Yacht   
    Hi everyone

    Oh no! Not another J Class yacht model? Yes, I say! They are amongst the most beautiful racing machines ever designed...and Rainbow, is no exception.

    My model (loosely based on Amati plans) will be fully detailed inside; much the same as my previous models, eg Ingomar. The interior wil be viewable via an open deck and large cutaways of the hull.

    Hope you can join me on Rainbow's journey!

    All the best


  25. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Dimitris71 in Amerigo Vespucci by Dimitris71 - Mantua - 1:100 scale   
    Hello Nigel, thank you for your kind comments and also for your likes!! :) Regarding the portholes I think that the ones that I got are the smallest ones.
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