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    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    Right folks  I managed to get outside (in the rain) and sand the hull  - I was quite pleased at the result for my first wood build to this stage, also considering its only first planking stage,  and I dont think it will need any filler.
    I also decided to re build the lower transom relief - first I made a paper template, then I used some old stock wood and layed them in diagnal strips, glueing them before cutting them flush at the bottoms.
    I then glued it in place and left to dry, it will need sanding flush with the hull though.
    Here are a few pics.

  2. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    After a good nights rest on my hand  I decided to have another bash on my hull,  there was only a few slithers to drop in so it took a little bit of measuring then cutting - sanding and they were glued in place.
    So the hull is now first planked and just needs a little sanding prior to second planking.
    The rear section below the transom is not as rough and uneven as it appears, I will be re-planking over the rear section to bring it all  even.
    Here are a few pics.

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    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    I have a sneaking feeling I  am going to be one plank short of finishing my first planking.
  4. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    A bit more work this evening - getting there I think.

  5. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    I managed to get in a few hours on the build today, generally making a lot of wood dust in the house (as it was dark outside) Mrs OC was not too impressed  - dogs house emoticon springs to mind.
    Anyway after the dust had settled - no pun intended, I  did a final bit of fine filling with my curved needle files, towards the rear as I had to curve a plank that sits at an akward angle, I also tidied up the bow.
    Here are a few pics folks.

  6. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    Hi folks more work on  the bench(table) today,  I started by removing the pins holding the last  planks glued, after doing this and checking the joints, I sanded them flush with the other ones,  then I decided to have a go at some dropped planks - this was a time consuming job measuring and checking then sanding,  measuring and checking then sanding, then one by one I did three out of the four so far to be done.
    Here are the pics folks.

  7. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    More work on the lower hull planking today,  I decided to try the idea of working from the keel in rows upwards, till I meet the plank below the wale, it just took a little plank bending at both the bow and stern, but the middle section went on dry with no adjustment.
    Here are the pics -

  8. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    I took a deep breath and started work on the lower hull planking today,  first I used one of the thinner planks and lay it over the ribs to get natural line then marked the line with a pencil,  I decided to break the run of the plank into three sections  to aid placing and glueing, I discovered that the plank closest to the wale just needed thinning nearest the bow to avoid bending the plank, I did this by just cutting a slight amount of the top of the plank nearest the bow, I cut the plank back to the third rib and placed it in hot water to soften to aid bending, this took about two hours then with enough pva and pins I got it placed, I continued with the second and longest plank that just sat next to the first one without any manipulation just glue and pins, the third one needed to be shaped to meet the rear section,  so again it was placed in hot water for a couple of hours, then when it was plyable I got a slight shape to it and glued and pinned.
    I then decided as I was on a roll that I would have a go at the other end of the hull planking closest to the keel planks I had fitted a few years ago,  again I ran a thin plank to get a natural line and marked this with a pencil, this showed that I would need a dropped plank at both ends,  again I decided to split the run into three sections, the middle (longest section) was fitted first - no need for soaking with this one just glue and pinned,  next I soaked the mid - rudder plank and after getting some shape with it, I placed it against the middle plank,  third and final plank was  sanded and soaked  to fit, then again glue and pins and left over night to dry.
    This is where I am at the moment folks.

  9. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    More progress today,  I removed the pins from the bottom edge of the wale, then after a light sanding,    It  was ready to paint flat black like the other side,    I applied several light coats drying with a hairdryer between each.
    Photo shows the current progress.

  10. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    More work continued today in two stages, first  I sanded down the top section of the wale as I built it in several pieces,  then I had to drill through for the run outs, next I went through the holes with a 2mm square file and carefully opened up the ports.
    Next  I shaped the end near the beak head end of the next section of wale (a complete length this time) and put this end in boling water to soften ready for bending, after a few hours I was able to pin the  beak head end then working from bow to stern I ran a length of pins holding the wale in place till set.
    I also ran a pencil line above the wale to match what I had done on the other side(acting as a visual extension of the wale).
    Here are the pics folks.

  11. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    I couldn't resist  doing some more work at the bench(living room table)  I have decided to increase the apparent width of the wale by painting a strip ontop of the (Insatlled  wale side),     first I ran a line and then taped an even line with blue decorators tape, then I applied a few flat black coats of acrylic paint, this I will do on the side where I am constructing the wale sections also.

  12. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    After the last strip was set,  I began sanding it back level with the other second planking,  it then occured to me that I would need to mark a line and cut into the last planking, this is to allow for the profile of the wale,  this was done by measuring the line from  bow to stern from the top of the bulwark rails down to the already  fitted wale on the other side, then after marking a line I placed a plank against the line and used my sharp blade to cut a line all the way along, then I cut the sections out.
    After a clean up the line looked ok so I started cutting and fitting the first narrow section of wale, in sections as I did not have a full length  just off cuts,  these were glued and pinned in position.
    Here are the pics folks -

  13. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    More work folks today continuing on the main deck area by fitting the two bulwark lower board supports, these will be painted Red Ochre when I get some more.
    This completed my inner deck work till I get or build the ladders,  I then decided to work on marking out and drilling through for the oar ports on the  side still left to be done, I followed the drilling up with a small sqare box file - the exact diameter of the oar ports, carefully filing till they were all correct.
    Next is the hull planking following from my last work - as I write I have a piece of hull timber in soak with boiling water, I intend to leave it there till tomorrow, before I attempt to fit it.

  14. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    Hi folks,    I got round to doing somemore work on the center section with the gratings etc,  I managed to finish them  with the exception of the three ladders that I will need to construct myself out of stock wood.
    She is starting to look like a frigate bit by bit.

  15. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    More gratings/ boards and step frames put in place - starting to look a little better I think.

  16. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    More work constructing the frames for the center area, this is time consuming as I have to measure and cut lengths of timber, then I glue them and leave them to dry jiged up in a make shift device, here are four sections from completed to work in process.

  17. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    More progress folks still working on the center deck area, I continued with the main frame around the grating/ladder section, this was sanded down to make it less deep and even thickness over all, I did the same thing with the other grating, when the sanding was done I decided to fit some boards to represent an area for more accsess down to the lower decks.
    I have also started work buiding another block decked area, that has been glued and secured together.
    Here's the photos -

  18. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    Hello again folks  I decided to give my Warsite a little rest and do some more work on my wood build,  first off I had to dust her down as I have not done anything to her for many years,  all was still intact so I got my bits together and decided to continue with the deck planking.
    I first finished off the edge planks that are a slightly darker shade than what I was using before, but that wont matter to much,  after a bit of measuring they were fitted both sides and held in place while the PA set.   I also decided to carry on with the planking.
    So sofar I have done another length of planking and the edge planks.
    Well its a start and different medium from my warspite build.
    Here is a few pictures folks  including one that shows the rear cabin bulkhead not fitted just dry fitted.

  19. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    I decided to do abit of work on testing a paint scheme on the transom and side window, i think i will go with a mainly red ocre and black tar scheme for the paint decoration as they seem to compliment each other, and lets just say that the ships commander had a barrel load so he decided to use  them, ive also painted the whale and done some other paintwork to see how it will look.
    What do you think?

  20. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    I started work on the deck planks today starting with the bows two bulwark edge planks, i am cutting in the normal planks as they should be, and decided on a four step planking system, adding the square mast collars has helped by not having to cut this through the planking.
    Here are the latest pics...

  21. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    More work on the ole girl, i decided to fit the poor part that fell off, and planked the rear section under the transom- slight color difference in grain due to using the other side of the planks without notic'ing, i have also completed two sections port and labord of the hull planking from the keel. 
    Here's some pics...

  22. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    More progress this time with the other side of the hull continuing to cut out the gun ports using my usual needle file set, i use a cutting action working down between the lines till i get to the line at the bottom, but making sure its square, then i have added the bulwark/gun port posts to hold the top rail.
    I have also shaped the rear cabin window casting and undercoated it to bring out the detail, incase i use it, also i have cleaned up the front keel section and adjust for - figurehead etc...
    Here's some more pics, and back to color as requested.

  23. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    I have been carrying on with my first planking and managed to bend the second level around the bow/bowsprit and continued my way up the poop deck area so i could cut away the bulkhead extrusions stopping me from planking the deck of the poop deck over its full width, as i want to do this with the deck away from the build, to aid test bleaching to get the correct weathered finish i am after.
    I just hope i am achieving the right look and shape of these attractive frigates?
    Here's some pics...

  24. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to hamilton in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    Looks good Collingwood - I think your initial modifications and measurements have paid off. I would recommend at this point that you build one of the cannons and put together a few of the deck planking strips to set it on and measure the height of the gunports to see what kinds of adjustments (if any) are needed for the planking - particularly at mid-ships where you'll have the open ports....keep up the good work
  25. Like
    NMBROOK reacted to Old Collingwood in HMS Greyhound by Old Collingwood - Corel   
    I have continued my build by fitting the false main deck and checking for acurate line and shape, i think it has settled quite well apart from needing abit more shaping and sanding around the bulkheads, i have then started dry fitting both the forecastle deck and poop deck to check for alignment and camber, i have needed to take the hight down abit, as they were giving a scale hight from the bottom of the poop deck and forecastle deck to the main deck of about 9 feet, so i sanded the bulkhead tops down to a scale hight of about 6 feet.
    Next i decided to attack the rear cabin window frame work, by fitting a horizontal support roughly half way between decks, i have also added two small supports on the sides.
    I've also added the oar cutout framework for the horizontal lengths, i have worked on a scale gap of two feet, i imagine this would be about right allowing a two foot square oar opening.
    Here are the pics.

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