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  1. WOW! At last a great adhesive forum. Since we all use them youi would have thought it would have popped up faster but who cares its here and for a newbie it has really helped. My hands are getting bad with arthritis and Dupentry Contraction but I still love to build and tips given have helped me from getting all glued up and enjoying the craft a lot more. What is Fish Glue and Liquid Hide Glue? Where would you find it? Great Forum and thanks for starting it. Page
  2. Hekk. I am building the skiff myself. Same Kit and have gotten up to installing the Toe Rails. Get some thick and thjin CA glue along with somw good wood glue - Weldbond or Tite Bond. Clamps - Irwin 4 and 6" ratchet-clothes pins-binder clips(diferent sizes) a decent bench vise with neoprene jaws. A good Dermel Drill. As a newbie my downfalls have been wanting to look ahead a do something else while waiting for glue or paint to finish which is good and bad if you can remember what you have done and where you put it. Some good files are handy for making your scuppers and adjusting fittings to each other. You need #11 knife blades, Order some wood blocks rather than the plastic ones and get a little bit bigger size. Paint as you go along as much as you can. You can always go back and touch up and glue sticks better before paint is applied. This is a good first kit as you move right along and can see your boat come to life quickly which helps your motivation. Study the instructions and then verify by looking at the plans. I like to use a compass to measure off the plans to verify my measurements from the manual. This is my first ship that I have done sails. I first iron the sail cloths then outlined the sails from the plans as instructed noting the holes and hangings then I painted them with polyacrylic hung them up to dry and then puch the holes etc and then cut them out and laid them aside with heavy books on yop to keep them pressed. Don't worry over small things. If they don't line up right or have gaps-its wood and there is wood putty or you can just tear it out and put another piece in and don't forget most of your skiff is painter which can help hide some minor mars. I am an idiot as to computers so I have not figured out how to download photos to ma build log like yours but will try to stay with you as uyou progress and since I am ahead of you maybe I can help yhou along whilw pointing out my mistakes and what to watch out for. Page
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