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Everything posted by pomy

  1. Hi, Ian and Spyglass, thank you for your reply. I look forward to your reply Ian, as regards starting a log I think it good be a good idea, my computer skills are not the best!!! I am a retired FITTER/TUNER, aged 77, so I will have to get one of my grandsons to help me with the log. Regards, Pomy
  2. Hi, Ian and spyglass, thank you for your reply, I look forward to your better response Ian. As to starting a log my computer skills are not too good!!!! I am 78 years old in September, a retired fitter/ turner. I think I will have to get one of my grandsons to help me. Regards to you both, Pomy
  3. Hi Ian, I am new to model ship building having just finished BLUENOSE 2, I have now started on Corels UNICORN. The first problem was the slots in the bulkheads were to small to fit the keel, this has been fixed but when they are fitted to the keel none of them are flush with the top of the keel they all sit at different levels. Did you have this problem? if so what is the remedy, file them all flush? I would be gratefull for any advise you can give. Your UNICON is looking superb. Regards, Pomy
  4. Hi Zyxuz, I am a retired engineer { fitter/turner} and have just started making model ships. I have just finished making BLUENOSE 2 by Artesania Latina, this is my first model! The plans are very good, many coloured photos easy to follow. I am now building HMS UNICORN by COREL, I am having the same problems as you, slots in the keel and frames not wide enough, these were milled out to size as I have a small engineers lathe with milling attachment. When the frames are fitted on the keel every one of them sit proud of the top edge of the keel by as much as 5mm down to 2mm, should they not be flush with the top of the keel? also the plain frames # 5 7 9 11 are all too wide! Could you please advise me. Regards, pomy.
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