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Bill Morrison

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Status Updates posted by Bill Morrison

  1. Chuck,


    I know that you designed the Model Shipways kits of the USS Essex and Continental Frigate Confederacy as Admiralty models.  Is there enough in the kits to build them not as Admiralty models but rather fully rigged and planked models?





    1. Chuck


      I didnt design the Essesx.   No there isnt enough.  No masting or rigging plan is provided or materials.  You would have to scratch all of that.

    2. Bill Morrison

      Bill Morrison



      Thanks.  I could have sworn that you designed Essex.  Well, as I've said before, your Confederacy looks great!



  2. Greetings!  I am a contributor to MSW who builds both wood and plastic ship models from kits.  I wanted to reach out to you in order to assure you that there are many of us who do so and greatly appreciate well-made and painted plastic kits.  In fact, there is a section on the forums dedicated to plastic ship kits.  Please, feel free to contact me to discuss ships we have built!  I would welcome such a conversation with you.


    Bill Morrison

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