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John Cheevers

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Newport News, Virginia
  • Interests
    wood, iron, and steel engine powered ships from 1880 to 1939

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  1. I was stationed in the Tidewater area my last year in the Navy, tiny place called Northwest, VA. When I got out I lived in Poquoson for about 3 1/2 years before returning home to NY. Love the south, but for better or worse, NY is home and it was a long drive from VA and my mom was in failing health, so back we came. I used to visit the Mariner's Museum in Newport News fairly regularly, one of my neighbors must have been a member or something. He did restoration work on some of the models there. I took some pics when they were having a contest there. Hahn's continental frigate Hancock was there and I got to meet August Crabtree. Quite a treat!

    1. John Cheevers

      John Cheevers

      Man, Northwest VA is in the middle of nowhere. I live on the peninsula and Poquoson is also in middle of nowhere...LOL. I saw Hahn's frigate there in the first Scale ship model contest. I think he won. I met Hahn there. I also met Crabtree on several occasions, he was an exceptional talent. I man the ship modelers booth at the Museum on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. If you're in town try and drop by.

    2. walter1097


      If there is an actual town of Northwest I don't remember it, just the Navy base. Our operations building was in North Carolina. I lived in Deep Creek while I was stationed there, my last year in.

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