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    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Almost all parts for the landing gear have been identified, just need to figure out what some "spacers" are. Can´t really tell if they are pre made parts or if I have to make them myself. Anyway I have started to spray paint the landing gear and wheels. I paint them red of course, I will post some pictures to see what you say about the color. I´m not dissatisfied with the color but not really content either... I feel it is a tad too "orange" and bright. But I want to use a spray can as it gives a much smoother layer than brush painting so I might stick with it. when it is dry I´ll post pictures of course.
    So while I´m waiting for the paint to dry I have started a bit on the engine. Identifying parts and cleaning parts from flash with sand papper, sand disc on my proxxon and files. The parts have quite a lot of flash. I have found some pictures of the engine on the net so I know what the parts should look like which is lucky as some of the parts are almost indistinguishable from what they should look like. But with sanding they start to look rather ok. Feels like I´m chipping out a statue from a piece of rock. From a blob of white metal I slowly grind out the engine part
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    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    @vossiewulf, nice pictures. Thanks. I´m using a thinner thread for the rest of the wiring compared with the one in the kit. Looking back I would have used a even thinner one but to change now would look strange, because the internal bracing is made up of the "thick" string supplied in the kit. If the the rest of the bracing was done in a very much noticeable wiring it would look strange I think.
    But still, scale wise the wiring is too thick. My next model (already planning one...) I thinking of using very thin fishing thread. Being translucent and thin I think it will give a good impression of thin, thin wire.
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    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Due to a heavy workload during the last days I have not had time to "follow" my own thread. Hope to be back in about a week. 
  4. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    You are very correct. I would seriously consider a new engine and some controls and levers in the cockpit. 
  5. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    I have decided to buy the Gaspatch guns. The ones in the kit are not to my liking, missing way too much detail. For me a fighter aircraft "is its guns". If it doesnt have nice looking guns what use is the model😉? 
  6. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    If US customs will let a beer can through, no problem!
  7. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Skål och välkommen! I did not expect a Swede in the US on this site! Yes a most excellent beer.
    Working on the aileron/elevator control sub assembly and the rudder pedals on control brace. Lots of strings to be attached. But most strange as I ran out of string before everything was done. I´m missing about 3-4 feet of string in the kit. The length of string in the kit is at least 3 feet too short. I´m not a wasteful person and have not wasted any significant amount so far. It says the kit includes 5 yards which should translate to 457 cm of string.
    rudder pedals use (approx) 4+4+30+30= 68 cm 
    aileron/elevator (approx) 4+4+30+30+30+30=128cm
    Altogether 360 cm which should leave about 97 cm for the cross bracing in the frames and fuselage bracing. I have not yet started on the fuselage bracing and have yet to do three of the four 30cm piece for the aileron/elevator...
    Even if the kit included 5 yards it still feels bit tight with 97 cm for all the fuselage and frame bracing. But now it was not even close to being enough string in the kit.
    It is no big deal, I´ll just buy some in a store (or steal some sewing string from my wife...) But I do feel such an expensive kit should have had enough material. It was the same with the 1/64 ix 1/16 inch strips. It was not enough in the kit. 
  8. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    No picture update but work continues! Unfortunately the stringers on the body separated from the frames so I had to reglue them. That was a small setback. Then my soldering iron gave up so I had to buy a new one. So finishing the stabilizer took far longer than necessary. Now I´m working on the control stick and its assembly. Going pretty well. I´ll try to upload some picture tomorrow or day after that!
  9. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    @xken, that is absolutely beautiful. Very well executed. I'm very impressed. 👍
  10. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Correct Vossiewulf, the elevator part (lower part in the picture) is not finished, some ribs are indeed missing. My English is not perfect as I called it the "aileron". 
  11. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Thanks a lot! You have identified my major worry, alignment. With so many parts and "points of contact to glue" I think there is risk for "warpage" ( for lack of a better word). The jig will be of great help ( I hope) and I think it will be of great importance to really follow the instructions and do what they say so to speak. 
    It is with great trepidation I venture into building the fuselage...
  12. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    I got an answer from Model Expo yesterday! They will send the parts I asked for! Good news. I have started to solder the second aileron, will post some pictures tomorrow. As soon as I get the parts from Model expo I can finish the middle and top wing. Then I´m "back on track" with building things in the correct order I don´t know why but I really like to do things in the correct order.
  13. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Thanks a lot! After beginning to solder I realized that I could´ve have glued with superglue. That would probably look much better but not as sturdy. But half the fun is to learn new skills so I soldered!
  14. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    I´ll probably will have to scratch build the broken part for the middle wing and find replacement strips at the local hobby store. I bought the model from Cornwall ship model in the UK and that might be the answer why I get no reply from Model Expo. When I google Model air ways I´m basically rerouted to Model expo and I have been mailing model expo, as I though Model Airways was some kind of subsidiary to Model Expo. But since I did not buy the model directly from Model Expo it explains why the do not answer my mails or Facebook messages about replacement parts.
    So in a way problem solved.
  15. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Solid wood. This time I mailed to a different mail address. Hopefully that will help. I´m sure I can fin strips at the model hobby store but like you say, annoying.
    I have started on the ailerons instead, soldering. Going well so far. But I like to finish one subgroup before starting on the next one so it still bothers me bit, to have half and three quarter finished parts laying around.
  16. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Slowly getting there with the top wing! A gap between the two pieces where the plywood is supposed to have met. I´ll probably put a small strip of plywood there. I should have measured the two wings and checked with the length of the plywood strips before gluing the pieces together. 
    Below the wing is the "jig" for bending the plywood. It was difficult to see where the bend should be. I tried to measure but you can see that the left wing front end plywood has more contact with the center beam than the right hand. If I were to rebuild I would photocopy the plywood strips and first use the paper part to check where it should bend. Then put the paper part on the plywood part and bend to make sure I get a correct shape/bend in the proper place so to speak.
    When this wing is done I´ll start on the ailerons. That will be fun but a challenge as it involves lots of soldering. I have not done any soldering the last 35 ys...
    All tips and advice is welcome

  17. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Just watched the video, great one. I never realized it was shot in Sweden. I live about an hours drive away from the airfield.
  18. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The upper wing a few steps closer to being finished. The building surface is not flat, the cutting mat is warped, that is way the wing looks very warped. (Seems like everything in my hobby corner is warped for the moment...)
    The wing itself is, most unfortunately, still slightly warped, but not much. It is more "if you know it you will see it warped".
    Thanks a lot for all the photos, links to other forums and misc information, it is greatly appreciated. I have no intention of starting a fight over at the aerodrome . I know my limitations when it comes to details  What I will need though is a few close up pictures of the engine when I start to build it. The parts in the kit are a bit rough to say the least. I looked for the book but it was not available at either amazon.com or uk. Will continue to search for it!

  19. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    @Vossiewulf, thanks a lot for the info. I´ll look for that book!  The pictures of the Fokker in your post are excellent, great build. Yes I would like to build the 1:4 scale model as this is my favorite aircraft. 
    Finish this I will, one of my strongest traits is a mule like will finish things. I always finish
  20. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Finally a real update! And a picture!
    I have started on the upper wing for real. It has caused me a lot o trouble as the parts have been very twisted. Also I had great difficulty building a left and right hand wing... Despite being careful and checking I screwed up more than once, It just felt cursed, no matter what I did, I did it wrong. And after correcting a mistake I immediately made a new one...
    But now that will be over  Slowly it is actually starting to look like a wing.
    I also mailed Model expo about the broken piece for the middle wing, still waiting for a reply.

  21. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Sometimes life gets in the way of hobbies, and these are the facts for me at the moment. Building will continue and so will the updates but maybe at a slower pace. I do not have all the time i want to pursue my hobby for the moment. So what i want to say is that I´m going to build the model but might not update or build as much/often as I have with my previous builds. 
    So do not despair it will be finished! But have a bit of patience
  22. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    Once again slow progress but the center beam for the top wing is now finally done. I hade to add "braces" to the inside to keep them straight. Even after being soaked and put under pressure until dry the warped a bit. So I took a thicker piece of strip and glued it to the inside to "force it flat". It worked and now the center beam is usable.
    Next step is to add all the spars.
  23. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    The wood strips for the center beam for the top wing was all twisted and warped. I soaked them in water and put them on a flat surface with a heavy weight on them. Now they are nice and flat. Just to be sure they stay flat I think about adding a few ribs or wood strips on the inside to make them more sturdy and stiff so they won´t warp when glued together. 
  24. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    After Christmas and New Years I´m back working on the Fokker. I´ll try to get a few pictures up tomorrow. Work continues on the middle wing. Constructing this is basically, as I´ve written before, same as the lower wing. 
    It takes time for the same reason, set time for the glue. It is more or less glue 1-2 pieces in place, wait for 20 minutes for the glue to set, glue another 1-2 pieces in place, wait and so on.
    I hade a small mishap with the forward large plywood piece on the left wing. I was a bit to fast bending it and ended up with a few ugly cracks in it. I´m not sure if I should contact Model airways for a replacement or use this one or scratch build one from left overs. It was a stupid mistake. Classic, "I´ll do this fast no problem, it should work..." It did not work. Sometime speed is good, at other times it is not.
  25. Like
    Torbogdan got a reaction from popeye the sailor in Fokker DR 1 by Torbogdan - FINISHED   
    A short update. Between the flu, Christmas and work not much have been done during these two weeks. But today I got some work done on the middle wing. No picture update? Nope, it won't show much and as the instructions are (almost exactly) "build second wing as first wing" not much new will be seen.
    There are of course some building differences but not yet, right now it is "same procedure as last wing..."
    When I get to a new process or problem I´ll include a picture. Anyway, it is going well. I´m sanding all the parts to remove the char so that the edges that will be glued together will get a better fix. 
    I´m being careful thought to put all the pieces on the work table in a pattern how they shall be glued to make sure I make one left and one right wing. Nothing would be so embarrassing as  thinking "Oh I´ve done this before, no problem" and realizing too late that I got two left wings...
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