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Image Comments posted by shipshaper

  1. Yes, it took 2 people for the large panels. Most of your statements are correct, the top was done differently. They are only rectangular strips that fit into a shoulder I milled on the outside tops of the verticals deep enough so the strip (when attached) make the outside edge of the glass trough (of the verticals) allowing the panels to slide in and out. Then the cover is screwed to the verticals locking the whole thing together. The total weight of glass would have been ~ 160 lbs so I went with Plexiglass which was only about 75 lbs but more expensive. I under estimated both the weight of material as well as the cost for a case this size. I will try to post (or send to you directly) photos to help explain, however, it is at my sons house so it may be a few days. In the meantime let me know if you have any questions and thanks for your interest.


  2. On 2/24/2021 at 2:07 PM, Andre said:

    Impressive case!

    And so it happens: I will be needing to make one myself very soon.

    What I wonder: do the glass panels go through the horiontal wooden frame parts into the grooves in the base? Or are your horizontal frame parts equipped with extending part to fit into the groove of the base?

    Hi Andre, thank you for your comments. I am glad you like the case! Because I mill my own lumber i mill the bottom of the glass frame so that it fits into the glass trough of the base and the glass goes into the glass trough of the frame (I hope I am not confusing you). You cannot see it from the photos but when the top of the case (cover) is removed the top "stringers" of the case are flush with the out side edge of the vertical stringers glass trough so the glass can be inserted/removed by sliding it up or down. I use mirror clips to hole the top of the glass to the top stringers and when top cover is screwed in place it locks every thing in place. It really works well. If you build your own cases I would be happy to get some photos to you to help explain. Just let me know. Thanks again.......Mike AKA Shipshaper

  3. Thanks Charles for the likes!

    It is Walnut that I milled myself. The base is Mahogany with a Walnut border. The vertical corners are not attached to the base. The entire glass frame is made to fit in the glass trough in the base (you can see the in the pics of the base). The frame is all mortise and tenon construction so I did not need either screws or nails, just glue 9Except for the top, that is screwed to the corners). Just sits snug as a bug in the glass trough 🙂..............Shipshaper.

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