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Chaplain Howard

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About Chaplain Howard

  • Birthday 01/09/1944

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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Interests
    I'm returning to building model ships after many years not having time due to work schedule and demands on my time. I have just retired after 40 years of ministry- the last 15 in Heathcare- hospital and hospice. My interest in modeling is building tall ships. My current project is building a model of the Letty G Howard.

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  1. My name in Howard. I dropped my membership a year ago due to circumstances beyond my control. I am still working on building the Lettie G. Howard. After working on it for about a year off and on I realized I made a number of mistakes that will cause me to start over. I have learned a lot and with my return hope to learn enough to keep the mistakes down to a minimum. Some how I was using to different scales - they were close but it made a huge difference! I’m not sure how it happened - just careless. I look forward to learning from you. Has anyone made the Lottie G. Howard? If you have I would like to hear from you. Thanks.
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