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Posts posted by Turfnakrion

  1. Greetings Everyone,


    My name is Jesse.  I am not completely new to model shipbuilding.  As a matter of fact, one of my fondest memories is building a plastic model of some Spanish galleon with my dad when I was 5 years old.  he did most of the work of course, but I loved it.  From then on I built a lot of different models of varying size and difficulty including a building a large plastic model of the Cutty Sark with my mom   Well, life happened and I joined the United States Navy and served aboard a nuclear ballistic missile submarine.  After I got out and was attending school at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, my wife bought me a POB kit of the Thermopylae.  I had never built a wood ship model before.  I had built a few wooden airplanes from scratch, but that's about it.  Of course 25 years ago, the internet was in it's infancy, so I didn't have this kind of resource.  Consequently I made a lot of mistakes, however I loved it.  Once again, life happened and I got a job and kids and my free time was at a premium.  The kids are grown now and I have a new job and recently visited Amsterdam for work.  I had a little free time, so I went to the art museum to take in a little dutch culture.  One room of the museum was dedicated to model ships.  I spent the rest of the day in there marveling at the skill and artistry.  Anyway I was hooked again.  I came back home and started searching for information of model building and stumbled across this wonderful site and started lurking.  I've read a lot of posts and build logs and I am preparing to jump into my own scratch build.  Since I have never built from scratch, I am going to follow the Bodnar practicum on the Brig Eagle.  I am looking forward to it and following the advice and experience that this site overflows with.

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