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Everything posted by tararasik

  1. A little bit of progress for today - all the guns for lower deck - ladders and grates - started cleaning sides, s lot of shavings (( Everything is under control of my doggo ))
  2. Found a lifeboat kit that I've started years ago, probably it will go on board of my Pearl.
  3. Finished lifeboat and experimented a bit with lower deck. Still not happy but already better, especially with guns )
  4. Guns for lower deck. DIdn't want to spend a lot of time on them as they are almost hidden. So I'd better spend more time on upper guns.
  5. Spent a lot of time experimenting with deck color Currently I like this variant, probably will add more wear and tear on real deck.
  6. Not great not terrible. It was fun and I like the result. Also want to add these ladies, what do you think?
  7. I cut all the deck parts and tried to fit and glued hull. Then started to build guns...a lot of guns. Almost quater of all the parts of the kit are guns parts ) They are pretty bad quality - molding parts shifted a bit, so there are a lot of sanding and cleaning. And started to prime. Also want to cut windows to the captains cabin something like this. So wish me luck ))
  8. Greetings captains! Christmas came early this year. I recently got an unexpected and great gift from my coworker - box of the Black Pearl. I'm into modelism in general, but mostly made airplanes and recently got excited by painting miniatures. Couple of years ago I started two ships, but abandoned them because I wanted to make them "perfect" but couldn't. This one should be special, as want to build it as I want. So basically I want just to build "as it is", but have couple of ideas what I'll probably improve. I will be glad of your comments and advises.
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