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Everything posted by Vegaskip

  1. HMS Nairana and the Corvette HMCS Rosthern. On convoy escort. Landing on was never easy in the Northern Oceans.W/C 12 X 9 inches
  2. Another couple of Christmas Cards. Jim
  3. Thank you Brian, they are one of my favourites too. I was lucky enough to see some working on the Thames in the late 50's here are some I did as Christmas Cards. You are all welcome to use them if you want. jim
  4. Thank you Patrick, here is an other Southern Gambler, the ship is Preserved in Norway, the painting in Canada Jim
  5. British Naval Aviation in WW1 Short 320 Seaplane takes off from the river Forth off Rosyth.SSZ 57 is a Costal airship stationed at Longside in Angus. HMS Pegasus at at anchor jim
  6. Meanwhile, back at the Ranch. HMS Belfast launches her Walrus W/C 23" X 16"
  7. This one is a bit busier HMS Icarus, a Gunboat 1885 in Hong Kong, Jim
  8. Clan Macintosh(3) How to avoid painting Sea and Sky, a quick wash of light blue.W/C 15 X 10 inches Jim
  9. Here's another honest working ship. Timber for Grangemouth. A Baltic timber ship passing the Bass Rock heading fo Grangemouth.I used to see lots of ships like this in Leith and other Forth Ports when I was a boy. More often than not the ship would arrive listing to one side, due to timber on that side getting wet and absorbing water and therefor weight.W/C 15 X 9 inches
  10. Thanks Nils, I came across a photo of the wreck and thought it would be nice to put in the anonymous photographer, now long gone of course, but it has revived a memory of him however brief. jim
  11. This painting is based on the wreck of the 'Peter Iredale'. She was a four-masted steel barque sailing vessel that ran ashore October 25, 1906, on the Oregon coast en route to the Columbia River. It was abandoned on Clatsop Spit near Fort Stevens in Warrenton about four miles (6 km) south of the Columbia River channel. Wreckage is still visible, making it a popular tourist attraction. jim
  12. Another rusty hardworking heroine of WW2. Here's another Canuck, HMCS Eyebright, post war, converted to a Dutch Whalecatcher. W/C 11 X 9 inches. Jim
  13. Carrier Opps. Essex class and I think the destroyer is Livermore class, but no doubt someone can confirm or correct.Hellcat getting airborne.12" X 9"
  14. Hi Zach. They didn't have much time for 'house keeping', especially the small escort vessels. Heres a busy merchant ship quite rusty as well. Passing Schooners fishing the Grand Banks. jim
  15. Thank you very much for your complement. In return here is one to honour the part played by Belgian Seamen unofficially allowed to wear two Ensigns!. Jim Godetia was one of two Flower Class Corvettes manned by the Belgian Navy. 'Buttercup' was the other. Here Godietia is picking up survivors from 'Port Auckland' and the French ship 'Zouave' sunk in convoy SC-122, 17th March 1943 by U 305 Jim
  16. Here are a couple of 'Still Life' paintings with a Maritime slant. The Nelsonian one was inspired by the titles of the British TV program 'SHARP'. The other RN/FAA Compass is real, I scratch built the cannon and the Pilot is a 'Historex' kit of an RAF pilot painted up as FAA. and Ofcourse one of my old collars
  17. Drew this yesterday, 'coloured it in' today. I am presently reading 'With Utmost Dispach' a Richard Bolitho novel, in which he is in command of three Royal Navy Cutters in the English Channel. It provided the inspiration for this painting. This famous Quotation also came to mind!. "We are off to look for trouble. I expect we shall find it." Capt. Tennant. HMS Repulse. Dec. 8 1941 23" X 14" watercolour.
  18. Thanks Nils. This is called Cruisers Cruising. L to R Dido class, Town class and Colony class cruisers. I like this one. Nothing fancy and the ships are pretty accurate Reminds me of calm days in the Mediterainian. Jim
  19. A couple with Thames Spritsail Barges. The 'orange one I used as a family Christmas card. Jim.
  20. One with a story. This is the Icebreaker Krasin leading part of a convoy through ice. As part of our visit to St Petrsburg we attended a reception aboard Krasin where she is a museum ship still afloat. I was asked to present one of the Arctic Echoes books to the Ship. In the photo, I am on the left, Victor Konusov (Russian Naval Advisor to the British Consul) shows this pic to the Curator of the Museum Jim and Krasin as she is today
  21. My pleasure Ken. You guys did a great job. We did some 'cross deck' with USN a/c on a visit to the US in 1959 I remember the Skyray, Skyhawks, and Skyraiders. We were operating Scimitar, Sea Venom AEW Skyraider. I was in HMS Victorious and we visited NY Boston and Norfolk. Jim
  22. Hi Pat, never served on her. I was RN Ships. Eagle, Ark Royal, Victorious (twice) served 1958/1968. Painted from a reference photo jim
  23. And today's effort HMS Belfast lowering a boat to investigate the German Steamer 'Cap Norte' disguised as Swedish ship 'Ancona' Watercolour 12" X 9" Jim
  24. Some Phantoms for Ken, a favourite aircraft of mine .Also a'Hun' F100 Jim
  25. Lou and Ken , thank you for your comments. My Mother always said I had a vivid imagination, although a lot of what I paint is helped from personal experience. This painting of HMAS MELBOURNE. Been there,Done That. Got the yellow surcoat. Different ships and a/c . Jim
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