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Everything posted by Daforuina

  1. The planking is taking forever. Taking it slowly and actually looking pretty good for a beginner😊
  2. A ton of beers and barbecue before the big game doing a little planking
  3. Christmas Eve and I'm building my first wooden ship I need a life LOL
  4. Just got my USS Constitution. Built a Long Boat but this will be my first major ship build trying to work out as I am not a carpenter how to build the building slip will show you pictures once I get started
  5. Cut all the thawts and scored them. After I sand the cockpit I'll stain and glue the thwarts in position. This is far from a masterpiece and looks more like cpt jack sparrow built it on an off day lol. But for my first build I have learned a ton thanks to the many people on this forum.
  6. A quick question planning ahead. What paint should i use to airbrush my model? Oh and any other tips 😊 Guy
  7. Decided to stain with Golden Oak instead of the Golden Oak natural mix. I should have stayed with a mix it is a little dark. I have cut the platforms and have dry fitted and still need a little trimming before gluing . Decided to add tree Nails which I think makes it look a lot better. I know this is not going to be exhibition quality but I'm learning a lot and hopefully my next model will look a little bit more professional LOL Guy
  8. Cap rail done. Had a few problems but thankful it is painted and will cover up the slight flaws. Still more sanding to be done and then pre-stain and stain inboard. Guy
  9. Thanks Steve. For a first build built an excellent job. Your boat looks awesome. So pre-stain is a must then I guess Guy
  10. Thank you Joe, i had no idea stain would be like that. I have not purchasef the stain yet and will now do research on what to do because I don't want to leave the basswood completely bare. Will a gel stain do the same as stain to the basswood? Guy
  11. I agree Russ. I don't need a whole lot of unfinished models lying around. I'll wait until I get to the rigging, which seems straight forward, then look for something larger Guy
  12. Hi dmslcolm72 I started following your build as well. You doing a fantastic job. As you can see from my build my mess came up when. I did the garboard. But even after that disastrous start I'm more than happy with how the build is going so far. The great thing about wood things can be fixed. Guy
  13. I did nor realize how much sanding has to be done with the frames. I used double sided tape with 220 grit sandpaper on a AA battery and it is working pretty well just slow slow slow. I think a few hours of this sanding and the cramps in my fingers I won't be taking piano lessons for quite a while lol. I read on a few threads that people people use a Dremel but after the catastrophe in the beginning I think I'll just stick to doing it by hand
  14. A few more bulkheads to remove and then sanding and fairing. Although i was tempted to remove the bulkheads with my hobby knife I took Chuck's advise and filed them. It was actually pretty easy with no major problems. The number 2 bulkhead broke in my massive destruction in the beginning and I will cut the piece out from the laser cut and install it. I have a little mess at the Bow with the filler pieces but I will fix it up with a little filing and sanding. After I have sanded and faired the frames I will sand the top of the frames and sheer in preparation for the cap rail
  15. Thank you Steve, I've been reading Chuck log and the boat looks awesome but I think I'm going to finish this model first. I finished the planking and although it's not perfect I'm pretty pleased with the way it worked out. I still have plenty of sanding to do and little touch-ups and little fillers and then I should be ready to take off the bulkheads. The planking wasn't easy but towards the end I thought I was pretty much getting the hang of it. I will attach more pictures once the sanding and and little imperfections are completed
  16. After a disasterous start my little boat is starting to look pretty good. I have a little more planking to do and then on to sanding the complete hull. After that I just have to add the little piece on the stern, replace the broken piece on the stern and remove the bulkheads and sand inboard. A question: would it be okay to stain the complete hull and inboard before I do any of the airbrushing? On another note I see model Expo has a one day sale today on the 1/24 scale Longboat at 40% off. I was thinking of ordering it but I should finish this project first. Happy Halloween everyone
  17. Well after doing all the bulkhead markings i started the planking. Had a problem with the stern strakes slipping while the glue dried but with some sanding and wood glue I'll fix the little gaps. I'm not too worried as this part will be painted and not noticed. I'm finding the planking easier as a go further along but I guess I'm just getting used to it as I have never planked before. I'm such a klutz. After taking off all the planks hefore and absolutely ruining the model and trying my best to get it back in workable condition i accidently knocked the model off the table and broke the stern again. There was a little damage to the bow but nothing I cannot fix to look decent. Having a little problem because I'm using wood glue and now have no space for clamps so only doing a few bulkheads at a time. Thank you everyone for your help. It is an inspiration and making me really enjoy my new hobby
  18. Ok reread BobFs log and zoomed on the pictures To count and check all his marks. Sometimes I just don't pay attention, you correct he does clearly show how the marking is done. Thank you Steve, you have been a great help. Have done all the marks and it looks like the planks will line up nicely
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