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Everything posted by Koopyetz

  1. testazyk With help from this forum.
  2. Updated photo showing wood piece in question in place. Regards Rick
  3. Having just finished cleaning up and organizing frames I'm currently working on cutting rabbet . As part of this work I have glued two frames and dry fit them in place . The are helping me visualize how the rabbet needs to be cut. Interesting how fragile these frames seem as they now stand but the laying on of timber such as beams and planking will make for a sturdy craft. Regards Rick
  4. My sketch shows that the angle of the rabbet changes as Maurys mentioned ( I also noticed rabbet cut information on drawings) . As this is the case , since the frames are not in place, do I need to make paper templates of frames to rest along keel to help verify angle of rabbet cut that will receive plank? Thank you all for your input. Rick
  5. I would like some help with rabbet. Would forum members please post photos of tools they use for this task. Also, is this task done before lofting of frames. Thank you. Rick
  6. David Yes. Keeping everything organized. Through my viewing of other member entries I adapt aspects of what has worked for them.
  7. Month of September has me cleaning up frames. Regards Rick
  8. As a transition from POB to POF I've selected Emma C Berry. Photo shows August progress. String to run at centerline during frame lofting. Level at front used to verify level of building board, the table building board sits on during work and for lofting of frames .
  9. Janos provided guidance for technique on bending wood via grooves cut as described in my post " need help bending wood". I have just completed cuts and have flexed wood near its final spot . Thanks Janos for you help. I've just learned something new in woodworking technique. Help via this forum is invaluable to this hobby. Regards Rick
  10. Janos I just read through your detailed reply and want to thank you again for your help. Your sketch make perfect sense to me. Regards Rick
  11. Thank you for your help Rick
  12. Hello: I'm working on Latina Sanson tug. There is a piece of wood at stern that will need to bend to fit along deck/ grating. First photo shows a sample piece of card stock taken from actual piece in question as it exists before bending. Second photo shows same card stock as it has been taped in place to show how it will end up. The actual wood piece appears to be laminated wood about 2mm thick. Your help please as to how to bend wood. Thank you Rick
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