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  1. Looking for the above titled book If any one has one for sale or donation would be greatly appreciated as my cancer has. wiped out my monthly income. Thanks for your response and appreciate support Scott
  2. Thanks guys glad to be aboard Any ideas or tips would be greatly appreciated
  3. Thanks guys for all your suggestions, they are steering me in the right direction. Since this being my first scale shipping project in 39 year feels good back in the saddle again. Speaking of decks any ideas on getting rid of those ugly seam lines between deck pieces Thanks again to everyone who helped Scott
  4. Looks great can you send particulars to scottpchooch@gmail.com Thanks so much for the inciteful information Scott
  5. I love the way it looks please send any info on how to reproduce your fine work Thanks for your important response Scott
  6. Thanks so much for your response I will give it a try sounds very promising Scott
  7. Yes the deck has the plank lines like you mentioned, I was thinking of a dark wash to bring out the wood plank details Thanks for your help Scott
  8. Trying to make the original tan deck look like wood or some resemblance of it Thanks for your response Scott
  9. Just a quick hello to my. fellow modelers I'm starting the 1/96 revell Constitution after 20 something year lay off, I'm mostly into nitro rc helicopters, but I digress built this version back in the 80 s and unfortunately was ruined in the subsequent years of moving.just figuring how to get the deck to look aged and wooden Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time Scott
  10. Is there any way to weathering the tan deck with out going crazy just short and sweet read.manual about wood spray paint over black and sanding it down Any idea would be greatly appreciated
  11. Wondering easiest way to replicate a weathered wooden deck hope this is correct forum ?
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