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  1. Thanks ship mates i will have a look on that page 🙂
  2. I once set out to paint every wild natural wild lovebird species and there natural mutations. Fot example the white bengal tiger is a natural mutation of the common bengal tiger. Each of my paintings contained to every detail 2 or 3 views of the normal natural coloured lovebird and up to 3 natural mutation colours types..depending on the species of the Lovebird onto each of the paitings. Each and every lovebird on all of the 7 paintings were painted to there correct sizes....the species are different in size.... I did not paint man made lovebird mutations or birds ando nly wild bird and types I then went on to paint 3 lears Macaws to there actual size...huge sizes on canvas.... i visited and photograpthed every bird that i have ever painted. At 11 years old I build my first book shelf... 5 shelves tall it was taller than me.. aged 11 Suddenly about 3 months ago through a few different happenings i have decided I would like to build model sailing ships.. I borrowed two of the Harold Underhill books from the library... Planks on Frames vol 1 and vol 2 I have been reading them for 4 weeks now and i understand them very well. I understand inches very well. So I already have sesoned wood castilo beeach pear... 18 months old timber My new book arrived Brig of War Irene... it has 2 separate sheets..the Irene Plans ..they are the same ship plans as the irene ship plans that are in the book. I have realised. it took me quite some hours of reading...like most of yesterday.. that i understand E W Petrejus's Book On page 41 ..showing Irene/ship drawing where in the open hull where the masts go through the decks too the bottom of the ship.. I have not found anywehere in the book what the angles of those masts would be... the foremast can not be 90 degrees ... there must be a slight angle on this foremast and the mainmast is clearly at an angle.. So i would like to know what would those angles be ??? Does anyone know ? Also on page 171 the full sizes of the masts are given and shown in drawings.. I can only guess that some of the bottom of these masts must go into the hull to the hulls bottom of the ship.. making the visable length part of these masts shorter... The writer of this book has the Hull / plans in inches and the other built parts areas..masts so forth in cm The more i am reading this book the more i see the parts /sections of this book fitting togeather.. Even i can understand the data given...on the data pages at the back of the book / pages But i have not found those mast angles ??? Can anyone advise me on these mast angles?
  3. I have just received Brig of War Irene the book. I have spent ages on google looking for books with more hands on how too build the hull..planking decking and rigging for this type of 18 gun brig sloop ship.. I have not been successful.. Could anyone please tell me of a few books that will be more on how to build this type of 18 gun Brig. The brig of war Irene gives loads of what needs to be done with lots of data..but lacks the how to do things.. how to be making the planks on frame..hull.. for this size of Cruizer ship.
  4. Thank you everyone for your advice i will take heed to your warnings on using saws. I am a 1st time builder of any ship and i am going to scratch build the Harold Underhill brigantine leon. I have not even built a kit ship before. I would like to then build a scratcjlh built 60 gun or 74 gun ship of course depending how i go with tlthe brigantine leon. I have both of underhills books and a set of his ship plans. Thank you
  5. I have not even thought about that. The conditions the tree was growing in in the first place. Thanks
  6. Well I have spent a few days just trying to find this out and have had very little success. I should have asked people on this forum much earlier. Yes you have answered what I was wanting to know. Thank you
  7. I am a new member hello everyone. I am wanting to know before i start any building work is there anything wrong with using air dried timber. I have some beach wood planks that have been air dried for about 18 months. My Question is is there any reason why i should not use this wood ? I also have air dried castillo wood. My concerns are you have experience and will know the risks of timber twisting or bending and as i am wanting to build my first ship please tell me your opinions and advice on your experience of Air dried or Kiln dried wood ?? Thank you.
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