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Posts posted by AntUK

  1. Hi David North West England. Oswaldtwistle to be exact. I understand the reason to build a vessel you have an interest in. I came across some photos of Lawhill in a bookshop while on holiday quite some time ago and later spotted the book in another shop so my interest in this ship started from there. I haven't come across any reference to anyone building a model of it yet, though Pandora has been done by more than one member so I have some useful reference material there.

  2. A quick intro,I'm Tony 67, been modeling in one form or another from childhood really, starting with Airfix kits and the more expensive Tamiya Monogram etc once I could afford them. Then onto balsa and tissue aircraft and scale RC model boats as the children got older and they could sail them too. Still got all the boats and now I'm retired I could do with finishing the hydrographic  survey ship Bulldog that I was building when life got in the way.

    I've always fancied a go at wooden static ships which is the main reason I'm here. I have some of the Anatomy of the Ship books and might have a go at Pandora or Lawhill .I'm well aware of the time these things take .and certainly appreciate the standard of models on the site, and already picking up tips and ideas.

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