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Everything posted by MTP001

  1. Build Stage: Hull Construction Date: Dec 13, 2019 30 minutes of soaking for the dummy barrel strips made an easy fit. This was of course where I found out that I should not have glued the Bulkhead 1. Removing Bulkhead 1 and pushing the dummy barrel strips all the way through to touch Bulkhead 18 followed by replacing and glueing in place Bulkhead 1.😯
  2. Build Stage: Hull Construction Date: Dec 12, 2019 My first silly mistake was glueing Bulkhead 1 - I am using Aliphatic Glue the same glue I use for buidling Model Aircraft. Its probably a bit over the top and its super strong. To remove Bulkhead 1 just needed te glue soaking in Vinegar and with a bit of effort it cam efree eventually without damage.
  3. As I said my 'shipyard' is tight! I didnt have any tools so I needed the minimum to get started.
  4. Hi Eveyrone thanks for the encouraging words. I know I am at the limit of my abilities but hey isnt thats what life is about. I will get some images up asap. The first test of my ability and something Ive never tackled before is the First Planking ie getting the bow correct the stern seemed not too bad.
  5. A bold project - I have been building scratch built RC aircraft from the age of 17 and am now 59. I have little or no experience building model ships but having been in the Royal Navy and lived near Portsmouth, UK then HMS Victory was an obvious choice. I will log all my efforts and hopefully other novices will benefit from my expected mistakes. I used to live in Bournemouth and had a great workshop with just about every tool imaginable collected over the years. I now live in New York and space is at a premium! I have a limited workspace and literally no tools so I had to buy everything and make my workspace as compact as possible. Not ideal but hey I dont have a choice if I want to build this ship model, so I'm gonna have to be efficient and tidy - I welcome any comments good or bad.
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