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Posts posted by JimmyT

  1. On 10/18/2018 at 4:53 PM, DelF said:

    Hi Richmond. 


    Keith Julier wrote about three volumes of the Period Ship Handbook. Each was a compilation of articles he wrote for Model Boat magazine (if memory serves - I haven’t access to my library just now). Each article describes how he built a popular kit. The Kit Builders Manual brings together the techniques he describes in the other books. 


    I found all the books very useful as a beginner - in fact I was inspired to buy Panart's Royal Caroline after reading the chapter on the kit. I found Julier’s style very helpful for a novice, with plenty of photos (albeit in black and white) and clear descriptions of necessary steps and potential pitfalls. I also liked the fact that he suggests minor modifications you can make to enhance the build. For example, on the Caroline he shows how you can use the kit material to make the bilge pumps more authentic. This certainly whetted my appetite for further “kit bashing”!


    In summary, I would certainly recommend the Kit Builders Manual as a good starting point. If you have a particular model or models in mind to build, let me know and I’ll check my copies of the other books to see if they feature. 




    Hi Derek,


    I just found this forum and noticed your response about having copies of Keith's books. 

    I have inherited my father's model boats (having passed away a number of years ago) and have committed to completing them for him. One is the Clara May (Artesania Latina). 


    I have just finished fairing the hull he built and am starting to plank, but I am looking for some tips. I know that Keith did a review of this model in Model Boats Magazine in October 2003. From Google, apparently he also covered the Clara May in one of his books (The New Period Ship Handbook). However, despite the descriptions on Amazon, Ebay, ShipsofScale and various other sites which say this book covers the Clara May, I can't see the Clara May in the list of chapters on the websites which show a photo of the table of contents. I'm not sure if it's an error, or Clara May was only covered in one edition.


    Do you know if any of your copies of Keith's books actually cover the Clara May, and if so, do you have the ISBN number so I can order a copy?


    Thanks in advance


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