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Everything posted by Zooker

  1. Is there a favorite brand among you folks who use this type of adhesive? I see that Gorilla Glue has a syringe product, but this is far more than I would require for my restoration project.
  2. Roger: Thanks for this info. I'm new to this whole thing, so I don't know what a "PM" is. Anyway, the main mast is about 21.5" tall and the overall hull length is slightly more than 30" (I can't get an exact measurement because the bow sprite is broken off (but still repairable.) The brass plate identifying this model, BTW, includes this: "Canton Clipper Ship." Zooker P.S. I have no illusions about a perfect restoration on this, e.g., the entire railing is gone from the back of the stern. My goal is to at least restore the masts, spars and rigging so it will look respectable. My uncle would be so PO'd if he could see what has happened to this model!
  3. Thank you! This surely will be a major challenge that - if I'm successful - would be a great way to honor my uncle's memory.
  4. What's on the model now is rock hard, so I'll try the alcohol first. Remember that it was built in 1956 so it's anybody's guess what kind of glue was used back then.
  5. Thanks to everybody who offered advice re: this model. I've learned an awful lot in just a few days and now must decide on a course of action. In regards to the glue situtation, what is the model now is pretty visible in certain areas. It's whitish in color and is "clumped" around the joined parts.
  6. Wow. This is very helpful. Where might I find the apparently very tiny drill bits for such an endeavor? As I said in my initial post, I'm no seasoned ship modeler by any stretch of the imagination
  7. Hmmmm. Well, as you can see, there are no sails on this model, but I'm familiar with the Scientific name. As far as the epoxy glue (those with a 5-minute set), I guess I'd have to hold the pieces together by hand?
  8. The only ship model I ever built was the Robert E. Lee riverboat and that was in 1976. I am no ship modeler by any stretch of the imagination, but I can learn. I was hoping to learn the name of the kit maker in hopes of getting a copy of the plans that would help me with the rerigging. What are stub masts?
  9. The only ship model I ever built was the Robert E. Lee riverboat and that was in 1976. I am no ship modeler by any stretch of the imagination, but I can learn. I was hoping to learn the name of the kit maker in hopes of getting a copy of the plans that would help me with the rerigging. What are stub masts?
  10. My late uncle built this model in 1956, and I'm wondering whether it is possible to learn which company made the kit. After he recently died, I asked his caregiver to set it aside for me. As you can see, she was not very careful about protecting it until I was able to pick it up. Also, what is the best glue to use on these damaged masts? Something that sets quickly? I can't see how I would be able clamp them in place. I'm going to do my utmost to restore this model the best I can because I can't even think about throwing into a landfill.
  11. Thanks, guys!
  12. I'm a new member in Wisconsin. I'd like to know how to attach photos of a wooden model of the 1846 Sea Witch from my PC. How do I do this? Thank you
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