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Posts posted by ClapTrap

  1. Hey all, I have an old decorative galleon (I think it is "inspired" by a galleon, proportions seem a like wonky) that my parents are handing down to me for my first house. It's in pretty rough shape and I have very little modeling experience outside of the occasional 1/35 car kits.

    From my perspective, this looks like one heck of a project; the sails are brittle and covered in grime, the paint is wearing thin, and a few of the masts appear to just hang there. If I could restore it to just half of its former glory I may become addicted. My questions are: What exactly is this thing? Is it feasible to restore it myself? And if so where should I start?

    Thanks in advance, I've always loved motorboats and sailing and I feel myself slipping into a new obsession.



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