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  1. Hi, just found and followed this post as I was doing some research for Dusek's 1/35 scale Knarr kit. Binho, looks like your longship is coming along beautifully! I hope my Knarr comes out as well. I just finished staining all the frames and the keel. I used an English Chestnut stain which, honestly doesn't seem quite dark enough to me. I have a fair amount of experience on actual sailing ships and while most of them were not tarred, my experience is that tarred wood turns pretty dark very quickly in a marine environment. My first impression of the kit is positive, but I wish Mr. Dusek hadn't used quite so much plywood. I looked at pictures of the Ottar, the reproduction of Skuldelev One and I plan on adding some details that aren't present on the model-primarily the windlass.
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