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Everything posted by tomsimon

  1. I watched videos on this scroll saw, wen 3921, is it a good one? seems to be stable..guidance appreciated
  2. Thanks for the guidance @mtaylor wood is still in good condition and not brittle. Definitely useful before I cut. I will create a backup copy of everything on tracing paper.
  3. Sounds like a scroll saw is the way to go. The next question would be which scroll saw is recommended? Guidance appreciated. The kits the scroll saw would be used on are a Billings: Golden Hind (480), Jylland (465) and Cutty (459), and Mantua Peregrine Galley,
  4. I have a Dremel Stylo with a lot of bits. Do you think I can use that? I am trying to not damage the existing wood, so I am being extra, extra, extra careful with which method. Thanks for everyone’s help.
  5. I have a few vintage, wood kits that are not laser cut panels. The lines on the panels are very clear. Is there a reasonably priced wood laser cutting machine on the market, where one is able to place the panels in the machine and the laser simply traces cuts on the lines? I don’t need all of the bells and whistles and it does not need to connect to a computer for CAD, etc. Just something simple. Thanks for any/all help.
  6. This is a wonderful approach: "most Billing kit list the fittings you will need to complete the model," but I have a challenges to report. 1. The Golden Hind's (Ship Kit No. 480) manual says that within the manual is a list of the fittings needed to complete the kit. The manual is not missing any pages and I am unable to find the list of fittings. I have looked over the included parts list which is in the manual including the color schemes and I am unable to see where the fittings would be listed. All of the parts list point to the plate number with the "loose" pieces listed. 2. For, Cutty Sark Ship Model Number: 459 and Jylland (Ship Kit No. 465) Fittings Kit Number: 466, the manuals are complete, but do not say that the fittings kits parts are listed, however, both manuals do list the parts and color schemes. Is there something I am missing? Help is appreciated. Thank you
  7. I am in need of 3 Billings Boats Fittings Kits which are all discontinued. I have tried various retail channels with not so much progress, either, which is understandable considering the age of the model kits. Here is the list 1. Golden Hind (Ship Kit No. 480) Fittings Kit Number: 481 2. Cutty Sark Ship Model Number: 459 (fittings kit number is not present on box or manual) 3. Jylland (Ship Kit No. 465) Fittings Kit Number: 466 These are wonderful, vintage models ship kits I would love to build, but am missing the fittings kits. Thanks for any/all help.
  8. This has been an invaluable topic of discussion for me. I wanted to send a thanks to all who were kind enough to help.
  9. Invaluable link. Thank you for providing. I will review, soon.
  10. Is there an available video tutorial on lining off the hull? Thanks.
  11. So, to sum it up, any type of CA glue is best only used as an anchor point, but not for a complete application of, such as, planking a hull. This arose out of CA being sold as gap filling glue, which now understand is not a best use of the product. It’s PVA all the way.
  12. Is it safe to say that gap filling, CA, medium glue is the same as pva or would pva be better suited because it can resist stress better?
  13. Thanks, Roger. I am grateful for your guidance Since I am focusing on plank on bulkhead models, would it be wise to read up on Underhill’s books Vol 1 and 2, as those seem to be about plank on frame? Thanks.
  14. Thanks for the info. I’ll be sure to lookup Underhill’s Books, as well as posting to the build log section for guidance.
  15. Hi Roger: I am satisfied with buying kits and assembling them using kit supplied parts.
  16. Thanks for your help. Kits would be 1600-1700, rigged, plank on bulkhead. Looking forward to further book suggestions.
  17. Hi Team MSW: I am interested to discover what other books I (a newbie) should read to acquire the best know how and how-to, before I dive off into my first build. Here is my existing book collection, and what other books should I add? Thanks Ship Modeling Simplified: Mastini, Frank Lusci's Ship Model Builder's Handbook: Lusci, Vincenzo Period Model Boat Manual: Conte, J.D. Ship Modeling from Stem to Stern: Roth, Milton Planking Techniques for Model Ship Builders: Dressel, Donald Period Ship Kit Builder's Manual: Julier, Keith
  18. Amazing insights here. Thanks. So, would it be agreed that the best method is to, ACC gap glue, between beads of carpenter’s glue on plank strip edges, when planking? The original question is a result of reading Frank Mastini's, Ship Modeling Simplified, Page 36, Planking the Hull-The First Layer of Planking.
  19. Thank you: @allanyed, @Richard44, @Dr PR, @GuntherMT and @ccoyleall for the useful insights. I especially like this method and will more than likely implement it on my soon to be, first build. I, also, understand that CA neither handles stress well, nor does it age, best, on a model one would like to keep for generations, so it would be unwise to solely use CA, for planking purposes.
  20. Hopeful all are having a marvelous Holiday Season. Why is it appropriate to bead ACC gap glue, between beads of carpenter’s glue on plank strips when planking a hull? It would seem easier to only use ACC, so that the plank strips adheres faster to each other with no need for pins or a wait time for the carpenter’s glue to dry. What am I NOT understanding about the “ACC, carpenter’s glue” (repeat) method of planking, or is it just a preference? Looking for insights, so that I build with less error. Thanks.
  21. An excellent read for a beginner Modeler or a professional needing to get back to the basics. Ship Modeling from Stem to Stern is the Modeler’s compass, a K-12 education in ship modeling and a career counselor. Most importantly, thank you, Mr. Roth, for introducing me to Lusci, the great!
  22. Thanks all for insights. I have learned a lot about staining, painting and sealing wood properly and how best to make wood appear it’s most natural.
  23. Thunder and Bob: Thank you very much. Would you recommend that shellac should be applied to the wood before staining, also, or only before painting? Thanks
  24. Hi Bob: Thank you for your narrative. If you are able, would you, please, provide details about, the quote above. I know there is sage advice in there, but I can’t seem to decipher. Thank you.
  25. Let’s say that I have just finished planking the hull, should I paint/stain or wait until the entire ship is done?
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