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Everything posted by Andre1967

  1. Bloody Brexit has been a dismal failure, anyway i wont go there, yes i will go to cornwall model boats but sadly they dont have the paint kit.
  2. hi jeff yes i have im waiting on a response, its funny in a way that Nairobi or new Guinea is listed but not United Kingdom.
  3. i have been trying to order from Occre but i am in the UK and my country is not on the list in shipping, very frustrating.
  4. hi yes i will pop some photos on tomorrow, my location is south coast UK.
  5. Hi all i hope im not breaking any forum rules here! but this is not a sale its a give away! i have an hms victory with complete hull and masts in painted scheme, with all parts and books that i cannot finish, reason is i have no where for it to live when complete and it will most likely end up getting damaged, it would be great if someone could take it on and finish it and enjoy it. I can supply photos if someone is interested, It would need collecting though or i could deliver it within a reasonable distance, again i emphasize this is FREE and i am not looking for any renumeration, just the satisfaction that she will be complete one day. many thanks
  6. Hi thanks guys, its 1/84 victory round masts, i am just doing the pendants, but once this is done i will glue them for the shrouds and ratlines. Thanks alot for the advice
  7. Hi all, i am getting close to the point where i need to fit the masts permanantly to my deagostini victory, the bow sprit is glued in postion as per instructions, but it says to just fit the masts[no glue] and the rigging will keep in place. I have seen videos on you tube where masts are glued in place so im a little confused as to what to do as this is my first model. Rigging is a bit scary and i need to do the shrouds soon. Any guidance most appreciated thanks
  8. yes Ronald i believe that mark is for reference to where you would start your bend and twist
  9. so i have completed the channels[chainwales] and today i have been working on the catheads and ekeing rails. here are some pics.
  10. Hi Meddo i have a build log running although it was originally started on model space. i am due to update it soon, progress is steady as i do a couple of hours a day, although i am feeling the strain, there seems to be no end of cutting and carving with this kit lol
  11. from what i remember you mark the frame as the starting point for the bend, and you leave around 25mm at the stern end as this makes it alot easier to bend and twist, once you are happy with the fit you would cut it back to how it looks in the photos ie step 7.
  12. some more progress today, added some more gratings the chimney and some mouldings on the starboard and port side, im now working on the chainwales and some bits for main mast and mizzen. a long way to go but every step forward is progress
  13. hi allan yes i have one[torch] . i just checked the wire supplied with my occre montanes kit and its far superior no need for torches, i think the copper/ brass content supplied with the victory kit is minimal feels more like steel wire compared, which makes wrapping around the blocks a nightmare, i have ordered 5m of brass wire from my lhs, i dont like having to deal with poor quality parts or material, but there are a few bits on this deagostini kit that are sub par. not good considering the price this kit comes out at
  14. Hi guys im currently building the chainwales for model space victory, i need to use wire for the blocks, my problem is im finding the wire very hard and brittle so wrapping it around the block is tricky to say the least, would i be better off ordering some third party soft wire, im assuming it will be more pliable and less springy, i think this wire supplied is not good quality or its me. what do you reckon
  15. im on uk version.my username is pfcdre and the posts are in the hms victory members build diaries, title is pfcdre's hms victory
  16. Hi Ronald the pics are in my build log on model space. go there and look at page 3 of pfcdre victory build log. there you will find pics. https://forum.model-space.co.uk/resource.ashx?a=132202 is the one Alan gave me but there are lots of others that should help you for sure
  17. Hi Ronald, the last rib is 31 and i believe it should be the same height, i remeber having to unglue mine and do it again [ a common mistake] as Alan looked at photos and felt it was sitting too high and he was right i didnt push the rib all the way in. if i can find the pics i will upload them for you, but i have a new pc and phone since and may not have them. But im pretty sure they should be the same height. Just so you know i didnt add any timber to the ribs, for the fairing i only sanded an angle for the planks to sit flush. hope this helps some.cheers
  18. hi kevin hi mike thanks for the welcome, i have a couple of mates is Aus, would love to visit one day, he likes to send me pictures of the spiders that get in his room lol, last one was something called a red back. Looked black to me.cheers
  19. Hi John thankyou mate. Hi Louie, thats true i have seen her many times in my lifetime since a child, and seen the changes to her. i decided to go with the yellow ochre on my kit, not the new colour but i wont go into why, dont wanna open that can of worms lol, looking forward to her getting full rig back not sure when that will be. i bought a one year pass for the dockyard just before covid hit so not been able to use it, i want to go back as soon as i can
  20. sorry for the jump in progress. i stopped taking pictures for a while, this is how victory stands today, i have some touching up to do. i finished some of the gun port lids that needed doing before adding the chain wale rigging points, i also need to complete the bow section and more deck gratings and fittings, im not following the instructions in as much as im bypassing the mast and yard making till required. im not sure about using the blocks for the deck guns as they are way out of scale, i think they look silly. anyone have any ideas on that?
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