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  1. So, six months later and still no PE sets or any other meaningful aftermarket upgrades for new Trumpeter 1/200 Scharnhorst that was launched back in November 2020. Looks like no one (no manufacturer) care to do any serious moves regarding that matter, that is highly disappointing situation.
  2. Asked them already, they did not care to reply.
  3. What could be the reason that after more then a year since new 1/200 Scharnhorst hit the market, there are still no meaningful aftermarket upgrade sets for that long anticipated kit? Why Pontos, MK1 Design, Eduard and others are firmly ignoring that new Scharnhorst kit?
  4. Hello, after a long break I am returning to this beautiful hobby, and ships in 1/350 and 1/200 scale are my primary area of interest. As I need some top quality wooden decks for my future projects, I tried to contact Scaledecks.com and Scaledecks.eu ... have sent emails on two occasions to both of them but no reply so far. Beside that, Scaledecks.eu is out of stock of 90% of 1/200 decks, and significant part of their 1/350 deck stock. And at Scaledecks.com I am not able to enter their online Shop link to check-out current stock status, only their Amazon and Ebay sales links are working, so I guess their web Shop is still not running. So, what's the deal, are they (both branches) still running business as usual, should I try to contact them again or to give up??
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