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Everything posted by PierreM

  1. Bonjour Yves De ce qui précède j’ai cru comprendre que le kit était subdivisé en 5 parties achetées séparément. Est bien cela? Bravo pour ce qui est déjà achevé. Bonne continuation
  2. Hello everybody I am french living close to Grenoble in France. I apologize for my english. I just wanted to let you know that during the last year I have built a model of the Bonhomme Richard. It is a remenbering of the strong link established beetwen Louis XVI and the futur US can I have instructions to create a new topic and to share 2 links to Google library showing what I have done Regards Pierre
  3. Je viens de découvrir, ce kit semble de bonne qualité. Bonne continuation. Have a good day.
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