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Posts posted by cptnbob

  1. I convert 1/96 Cutty's and ironsides into RC sailing models, you can pack 6 small sail winch servo's and a 1,000 mac battery for the extra ballast, Using 1/8th 9"x24" aluminum and or 1/16" titanium as the keels with 3.2lbs of Lino type led strips on the new keel as ballast with a 1/4"x 6" custom feathered aluminum rudder, customers Koa veneer (4 layers) glassed with 0.50oz per yard fiberglass surface vale with custom removable deck portions for servo access. I'm working on 3 Cutty's and 1 connie at the moment 1 105" lionhearted and starting a 105" yacht independence soon . these Revell are easy to convert, most of my running blocks are made from guitar string ball ends cut down on my watch lathe, with dentine / cuban cloth sails, all of which function. Using my drone FPV goggles and my Horus 12x, 

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