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Everything posted by Hunt270

  1. Log update time! Been working closely with @theoracle09 who has designed some awesome 3D models I have printed for the ship. These include the Smokestack, capstan, and some stanchions. He's currently helping me learn Blender and I hope we can create some of the harder to replicate bits that will really bring our models to life. In terms of the ship I am focusing on all the things I can build seperate from the hull to be attached later on. Since a lot of it is smaller you really get a better sense of progress as you go through each thing. I'm saving all the planking for when it's cooler and I have a bit more time in the day to do it right. Will
  2. Just catching up on your progress! Looking fantastic.
  3. It turned out great, you are a master 3D modeler!
  4. That's excellent! I've been printing for a few years, but never got into the 3D design side of things. I would definitely love to include your designs on my model. I recently got the 'South with Endurance' book and have been going through that taking some notes. I will check out your log and follow along as well. I've been thinking of finally checking out some Blender tutorials for years, maybe nows the time. Log update: - Working on it slowly, sanding has to be done outside the apartment and its hot out here!
  5. Finally! After three hot and humid weeks my air conditioning has been repaired. We stayed cool in the living room, but unfortunately my workshop is in a poorly designed room that gets up at almost 90! I am back on track with the model. Still unsure if I will add some more definition to the white planks, but for now I'm moving on to lots of sanding, wish me luck. Will
  6. Hey everyone! Finally got some time to work on the ship. My AC went out and it's been way to hot to do much of anything other than sweat. But, I did manage to get the decking glued down (Need to get bigger clamps!), added boards to the walls(?), and painted them white. The paint from OcCre ran especially thin and seemed to clump up a little bit as well. A bit of sanding will help and i may add some weathering to make the seems between boards pop. Next steps is sanding everything to get prepped for planking. Unsure if I will do it the way the guide says, or try my hand at planking it more realistically.
  7. Thanks for the warm replies! Excited to keep building. This weekend is fairly open so I will have plenty of time at the workbench. I did notice after my last post I put the decking on the wrong side of one of the decks. So I scraped the entire thing off and redid it. Now all 3 test fit rather well into the hull. Next steps are to varnish them and glue them in place. I will be adding the proper paneling onto the walls as you can see in some of the photos. Slowly adding things to the change list as I research more about the ship. Does anyone know a good resource for 3D files for ship modeling? A lot of my googling hasn't turned up anything decent. I did find some Terror figures I've saved for that build. Perhaps I'll have to learn some basic 3D modeling... Thanks for reading, Will
  8. Hey everyone! Longtime lurker, first time logger. Bought the Terror and Endurance a while back and now have the workbench clear for some building. I have been follwoing closely all the other finished and in-progress Endurance builds, all looking fantastic! I won't make every modification to make the model perfect, but will try adding what makes sense when I get to it. Would love to also experiment with some 3D printing of smaller parts and non-included bits to really bring the model to life. Been going back and forth between adding the ribs to the hull, and doing the decks while it's drying. I am using some cobblers glue for the decking and I was not expecting just how sticky and smelly it would be. Thankfully I have a covered fire escape out the back that I tranferred the gluing operation to. One thing I have done with all but one deck piece is cutting out the wrong bits. I had to replank 3 different areas because I'm just in the zone trimming the wood! Thankfully it just adds to the model, as I'm sure fixes were made along it's journey. I will try and update as I go, but I'm so bad at remembering to take photos. Will
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