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Everything posted by JGoff

  1. Thanks for the wisdom and encouragement guys! When I started dry fitting the keel with the bulkheads, there was quite a bit of give….more than I thought reasonable. Also, when the bulkheads were placed in the slots, the top of the bulkhead was not flush. After looking at several other logs, I did not see any complaints about it, so I made the assumption that it was quite normal to be this way. And perhaps it is. I just know that in the gluing process (PVA), trying to square and lift the bulkheads to the appropriate height and checking afterwards, everything seemed to fit and be square This afternoon, I rechecked and the bulkheads are off just a smidge. Now I am trying to determine what the next steps are here. The first photo is where I was dry fitting, the other two are photos taken this morning of the glued hull.
  2. Hello all! After reading through several posts and build logs, I decided to start my modeling adventure with the Lady Nelson. I have no carpentry/wood-working experience or with many of the very practical things that go into ship modeling, but I do look forward to this craft which so many seem to have found stimulating as well as satisfying. I think my first encounter with ship modeling was through my high school band director 20 years ago, and if I’m not mistaken, his first model was the HMS Victory. Now that I have started reading through build logs and such, I am mightily curious which model kit he started with and what scale he completed! Incidentally, he also got me started reading both C.S. Forester and Patrick O’Brian, so this interest in nautical history and ship modeling has been a little ambition of mine for a long time, which I am finally starting to make good on. Reading many of the logs available on the Lady Nelson, so many folks have made different improvements along the way to the kit, and I have been having this little debate in my head as to what I might improve and whether or not I will work to elevate the model in a particular way or in several ways. In one sense, there is just the hurdle of the first build (and planking!) to surmount, and then adding various bits to the model can seem daunting when I’m not even so sure that my bulkheads are installed properly! I also understand the need to plan ahead for those improvements should I decide to make them. But all in all, I have decided to try and have fun, take on the problems as they come and let the next step be the next step. I’ll post some of my initial issues and current progress soon. Cheers!
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