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Just an modeller

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Everything posted by Just an modeller

  1. Good idea I'm I don't really like the seams showing in the model. Dose tamyia putting work well with this things? And yes I do remove all the kunbs and sand. Them some of them I didn't notice thanks your telling me
  2. Hello everyone here are New Updates. Top level is built no PE Or detail on it yet. Light wash Admiral bridge done range finder 1 Is done Range finder 2 almost done,Conning tower and main bridge done.
  3. Update:Hull weathering done. Captions painted. Main turrets painted. Deck applied on second level.
  4. I have started on the hull weathering this is my first time weathering and it seems to have turn out quite well.
  5. Hello everyone,I have started to work on My New Prinz eugen Model. That was given to me as a gift. I begin by Painting the hull in a grey coat. Then with Tamyia AS-26 for the main hull, The keel is painted with XF -9 Hull Red with 5 drops of X -7 red.
  6. Aa you can see lots of things have be built hanger 1 Some of the funnel deck detail
  7. Hello been so long! Lost my phone and manage to get my account back! Lost some photos tho but still got pently😁
  8. Sadly the build has been on a halt for some time and is still is I'm still trying to figure out where I'm gonna put it....
  9. Sorry for no updates I kinda ran out of plywood also no ribs are glued the bow is currently being glued on
  10. Yeah I would definitely use parts of my bismarck as a example soldering isn't a bad idea but I plan to go full on styrene I don't have any plans so it may be a bit hard I would like a risen printer but I don't have the money and I'm not able to have one as my mum thinks it takes alot of *electricity*
  11. I don't have any other 1/100 models but I do have 1/200 still being build agora and trumpeter and I got a old trumpeter already built
  12. Hello all!!! I'm about to do the most crazyist thing ever I'm going to build the mighty tripitz! In 1/100 I know I'm currently making 2 1/200 bismarck models but hey dosent matter I know I'm abit young to do this but I got the room for it so why not
  13. Oh I see I think you can only get them for the bismarck they would look nice on scharnhorst too
  14. Sorry for the posting anything I haven't really had time to build has much I got settings I really want to know should I repaint the bismarck? And turn it light grey? Like it should be it wouldn't be too hard maybe 2 days as I before her to be like the real on or should I just leave it like this?
  15. Sorry for poor photos the main mast us dome and the secondary turrets have there black tops on
  16. Been a while since I happend post here one photo I'm currently making it rc from scratch but it's going to be mostly on display
  17. New better led on the Admiral bridge soon the main new paint added horns added new pe railings added
  18. Hanger one done I plan to have hanger 2 open with the plane coming out with its wings out I also putted the agora ardo on my bismarck just for fun ps it glued
  19. Oh and by the way weekends are my day off's so no build posts on weekends sorry
  20. I feel that the admrail bridge is a bit odd looking here a older photos dose it look alright?
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