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Richard Blevins

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About Richard Blevins

  • Birthday 10/15/1959

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Spanaway, Wa.
  • Interests
    RC aircraft, fixed wing and heli.

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  1. Jerry, The Constellation is looking great. thanks for the detailed build log with the rc set up. Ive been wanting to try something like this but had no idea for setting up servos for control, Then again I have a bad problem of leapping before I look and find water over my head. As i have not sailed any thing that floats. 2 meeter sail plane up to a pin point on thermos only. I'm sure that its not the same. Maybe I should start with a small pond sail boat and see how I like it. Any sugestions on a beginner sail boat to learn the fundamentals of sailing ? Any way Keep up the good work, and hope to see a video in full rig and sailing in open water. Richard
  2. Hi Dave, Sorry about your misshap with the connie. I'm about to start mine over the fouth of July holiday, Just a thought, Do you have a scroll saw or band saw you could use? You allready have the hardware package, The ship itself could be built off of the plans, the patterns are allready there, just copy or trace them out and cut new parts. You could think of it as an intro to scatch building, your scrath building a kit... LOL.... any way good luck and looking foward to connie take two. Richard
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