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  1. Some Mistakes== popeye2sea When the ship first made ready for sea, 22 July 1798, she had an armament of thirty, iron, 24-pounders from Furnace Hope, in Pennsylvania, sixteen 18-pounders borrowed from Fort Independence on Castle Island, and fourteen 12-pounders of unknown origin (probably Furnace Hope). Constitution must have had a few brass 24's at some point because a letter from the Secretary of the Navy in 1807 ordered the transfer of two brass 24-pounders to USS Wasp. Mistakes #1 24-pounders from Furnace Hope, in Pennsylvania. No, from 1. The Historic Hope Furnace https://rhodetour.org/items/show/411#map-section The Hope Furnace was built by the Brown brothers and Stephen Hopkins. It was built in 1765, running in 1766 and it was sold in 1806. It was used to make cannons for the Revolutionary War. The furnace was located on the Pawtuxet River in Hope, Rhode Island and built into a hill. Questions or comments? Contact the USS Constitution Museum's Curatorial Department at curatorial@usscm.org REFERENCE: https://ussconstitutionmuseum.org/2015/11/12/constitutions-guns-a-snapshot/ 1 Jones’ inspection returns were published as part of a larger inquiry into the establishment of a national foundry in 1835 [Report No. 141, House of Representatives, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, March 3, 1835]. https://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/hlaw:@field(DOCID+@lit(hj02875)) Question: The Link above does not seem to go to Jones’ inspection returns were published as part of a larger inquiry into the establishment of a national foundry in 1835 [Report No. 141, House of Representatives, 23rd Congress, 2nd Session, March 3, 1835] I am trying to Identify the below Cannon http://friendsoffortwashington.org/Fort%20Washington%20Artillery.htm I believe they came from Fort Winthrop OLD Fort Warren. I believe cannon of this type could have been on the USS Constitution 1798. The 24 LBS Cannon cast at Mt HOPE RI have examples at Castine & Belfast ME which have Numbers the same style as Fort Washington. The Jones’ inspection' may have them listed? One of Fort Washington's Three 18-pounders, that are in good condition. Markings are as follows: No 36, 30-0-17; No 40, 30-0-16; No 45, 30-0-13. At Present, knowing the TWO 18-pounders at Stonington, CT were Cast in 1781 in Salisbury CT during the Revolution, and since Fort Washington's Three 18-pounders are of same cast, conclude these Cannon were also cast in 1781 in Salisbury CT during the Revolution. All mounted on iron seacoast top carriages - Forged @ West Point Armory in Cold Spring, New York http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Point_Foundry
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