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Posts posted by hlong222

  1. On 5/31/2021 at 7:53 PM, ModernViking said:

    It's been a few months of slow progress on the Buccaneer front! But almost exactly a year after I started this project, I think I'm finally to the point where the hull can be considered 'complete'. Stll a few things to polish off and clean up, but after a lot of trial and error, I'm feeling relatively happy with how things are turning out. Of course, I see all the mistakes and things I did wrong . . . 


    A couple things I did do differently from the Occre instructions. One is that I just could get the paper 'triangles' to look right as I put them on the hull. Everytime I tried, the just ended up looking wrong to me so I took a different tack by creating them out of very thin balsa stock. Basically, I sanded some already thing balsa sheets until they were nearly paper thin, then glued them in place and cut the triangles and diamonds. Definitely a more uneven finished product (and the source of many of the mistakes I see) but I far prefer the 3d nature of them over the paper. 


    Secondly, following up on my last post, I found a painting solution to the gun carriages. Obviously going away from the bronze/wood color of the model kit but the reddish brown seems still to be period correct and provides a little more color to an otherwise fairly uniformly colored ship. 


    Now on to the deck furnishings! 







    I really like what you did with the balcony decorations. Simple, but really makes them stand out. After seeing yours, I’m thinking of doing mine in a similar fashion, BUT to add some color. The Buccaneer is loosely fashioned after the Golden Hind which was full of color. So thanks for greasing the wheels of creativity in my head.

  2. On 2/26/2024 at 4:20 PM, CPDDET said:

    I'm sorry that I'm not being very helpful. I reviewed my post on this process and have been banging my 73 year old head against the wall trying to recall the process I used and exactly why I posted what I did back on 3/29/22. But that's almost 2 years ago and I just cant seem to come up with anything.


    I hope the process goes well for you and please know I'm always available for questions.



    No worries. It gave me enough info/courage to just go for it. I’ve had a profile gauge sitting around here for a few years just waiting to be used. I had told my mother about it  a few years ago when she asked me what I’d like for Christmas or my birthday. Overall I think my stand turned out pretty good, especially since it was my first scratch built… well anything. I included it in my build log on SOS…https://shipsofscale.com/sosforums/threads/bluenose-1-64-by-model-shipways-build-log.11734/post-362686

    Hope it’s ok to link to another site

  3. On 5/31/2021 at 7:53 PM, ModernViking said:

    It's been a few months of slow progress on the Buccaneer front! But almost exactly a year after I started this project, I think I'm finally to the point where the hull can be considered 'complete'. Stll a few things to polish off and clean up, but after a lot of trial and error, I'm feeling relatively happy with how things are turning out. Of course, I see all the mistakes and things I did wrong . . . 


    A couple things I did do differently from the Occre instructions. One is that I just could get the paper 'triangles' to look right as I put them on the hull. Everytime I tried, the just ended up looking wrong to me so I took a different tack by creating them out of very thin balsa stock. Basically, I sanded some already thing balsa sheets until they were nearly paper thin, then glued them in place and cut the triangles and diamonds. Definitely a more uneven finished product (and the source of many of the mistakes I see) but I far prefer the 3d nature of them over the paper. 


    Secondly, following up on my last post, I found a painting solution to the gun carriages. Obviously going away from the bronze/wood color of the model kit but the reddish brown seems still to be period correct and provides a little more color to an otherwise fairly uniformly colored ship. 


    Now on to the deck furnishings! 







    Gotta say I really like what you dousing the thin balsa wood instead of the paper triangles. Pretty sure I’m going to do the same with mine when I get to that step. 

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