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Everything posted by Giorgik63

  1. -Thanks Baker for the pdfs, so I have some sources to read. I purchased Peter Kirsch's book "The Galleon - The Great Ships of the Armada Era". -Yes, Mark P, you are certainly right, unfortunately sometimes I find it particularly difficult to find information (also bearing in mind the cost of some books from abroad, for us here in Italy, we don't surf much "in gold", there is a strong air of deep crisis here 😞 ).
  2. Thanks Baker. I looked at your post, but most of the links are no longer visible, including the plans http://www.john-tom.com/SailBoatPlans/GoldenHind/golden_hindSm.pdf.
  3. Thanks to your advice, I found in another American SOS forum the plan of the Golden Hind in which the bridges are shown (see dotted lines). So my question is this: can the bridges in my plan be taken from the one I put on the Golden Hind (with the necessary modifications) ?
  4. First of all thanks for your information. Jaager: I will read the book you recommended. Gregory: Yes Where can I find a more precise plan, to start studying, of an English galleon (maybe free 🙂 ) from the 17th century from which I can obtain the POB ?
  5. 1 - From the plans of this galleon, how can I identify the position of the decks ? 2 - Furthermore, since I have to create the joint between the frames and the false keel, how should I proceed ?
  6. Thanks Mark P for the clarification. From what I have ascertained (San Giovanni Battista 1598 by luponero - Medicean galleon): It is a galleon of the Medici family of Florence from 1598, which was restored, by order of the Marquis Ferdinando I, to the English naval engineer Robert Dudley, as reported in the libraries and archives of Florence relating to the construction of some galleons in Livorno, with purely "war" characteristics usually armed with 16 guns, telling that the name St. John the Baptist has been assigned to at least four boats, to a galley (the first which should be the one that took part in the battle of Lepanto), another galley built in 1589, the third a galleon built in 1598, and the fourth a large galleon with 64 guns of the English Dudley of 1607, probably the galleon of 1598 will be one of the galleons that Alessandro Risaliti (Commissioner of the Galere of the Order of S. Stefano) reports to Lorenzo Usimbardi (Secretary of State) with the aim of demolishing or selling them because they are no longer efficient, this provision will exclude the Livorno galleon and a large galleon under construction probably the San Giovanni Battista del Dudley, set up in 1607. From this information it is believed that the Livorno in service with the Order of S. Stefano is none other than the S. Giovanni Battista of 1598, renamed to "Livorno" to pass the name to the flagship under construction, obviously it was not just a change of name but a profound structural modification of the boat, improving its structural characteristics, will be one of the characteristics of the Dudley, the capacity to renovate existing boats by improving their hydrodynamic and propulsive characteristics, so this model is the San Giovanni Battista of 1598 prior to the renovation work, and built by "DeAgostini" which is called S. Giovanni Battista, in reality it is the "Livorno".
  7. Thank you Morgan for your idea. I just need to find some links on the internet that will show me these paintings. Do you know any ?
  8. I hope I am in the right interest group to formulate my following request: examples of interiors of the commander's and officers' cabin of a 17th century English Galleon. I am building (modifying a kit) in 1:73 scale the model of the Medici galleon Livorno from the year 1606. The type of construction I am doing is with solid frames and single planking. Furthermore, the model I build has a side opening on the hull to allow you to see the interior. I want to create the furnishings of the commander's cabin and that of his officers and the meeting room. Could you help me by showing me examples of such furnishings, always keeping in mind the year of the galleon ? What I managed to find in Google: 1-Sir Francis Drake with his galleon Golden Hinde managed to sail around the world from 1577 to 1580. Photos Golden Hinde replica 2-At allanyed's suggestion ( ) I found it: Vasa Museum's Director of Research, Fred Hocker Thank you in advance for all your help.
  9. Thanks for this information and photo. There is talk of a ship from my region, Liguria, and from Genoa. 😃
  10. I found all your answers very helpful. Gregory : the dimensions of the outermost part of the window are 20 x 24 mm. I'll try thinning the back of the window like you say tmj. After thinning the back of the window, I will try to do as you say Roger Pellett. I also find your solution interesting mtaylor. I was also thinking about doing your solution DavidG. I have to see where to find styrene here in Italy.
  11. Can you help me by indicating a method to create the wooden window of the Livorno Galleon of 1606, taking inspiration from the window in my possession made of brass (see attachment). I would like to make holes to put a fake glass in so that we can see inside the Galleon.
  12. Hello everyone, I'm building the Medici galleon S. Giovanni Battista in 1:48 scale, not in the arsenal. I was wondering if there is internal banding of the bulwarks on the various decks of the galleon. You can help me ?
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